DeepMart Darknet Store Review – (Got more than 5 Scam Report)

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Been more than half a decade since my first ever visit to a Darknet Market, there’s little left which still impresses me, DeepMart did with some of its unique features, hence the least it deserves is for us to scribble this DeepMart review down.

Like most of our other Darknet Market reviews, this DeepMart review too will be your looking glass into the marketplace’s features, products, and overall potential.

Although note we at no times lobby in or against any marketplace’s favour, it should be completely your educated decision once you’ve gone through the review.

I urge you to go through this review keeping the fact in mind that it’s a new marketplace and hence shouldn’t be compared to some of its more established contemporaries.

DeepMart Overview

This here is an eagle’s-eye view of the marketplace and its prime features, next we talk about each of these aspects in detail throughout this DeepMart review:

  • Primary URL: deepmar57fbonfiw
  • Registration: Mandatory.
  • Security: Buyer Protection, Multisig.
  • Vendor Bond: Not Specified, Required.
  • Currency: Bitcoin.
  • Total listings: 225


DeepMart User Interface

When I said the marketplace impressed me in the initial section of this Deep Mart review, the statement was directed primarily towards the market’s user interface.

The marketplace has what can arguably be called the most professional-looking and graphic-rich interface in the history of Darknet Markets.

For starters, it has an actual E-commerce homepage, meaning a homepage which resembles the homepage offered by mainstream E-com sites such as Amazon, Walmart or Flipkart with full-fledged banners, featured products and so on (it’s rare on Darknet markets).

Then sliding down, the rest of the homepage is dedicated to “Featured Vendors” which would let users easily find the more trustworthy and established vendors than the newer, potential-scammers.

A lot of information about the vendors has been listed right there, such as Online status, Joining date, Sales, Rating, and if they offer Buyer Protection or refrain from it.

Another exclusive and unique idea implemented on the marketplace is that, when users click on any specific product-category from the top-bar, instead of directly displaying the products in the category, it displays the vendors who have listed items in those specific categories.

If this is a positive or a negative innovation will depend on your personal choices, I personally like to make sure the vendor won’t scam me first and then look at his/her products, although some of you may wish to be directed directly to the products instead of vendors or their stats.

Bottomline, the UI is easy to understand, “not boring” (yeah it’s a “feature” for DNMs) and provides detailed info about the products/vendors.

DeepMart Registration

Products can only be purchased off the marketplace post-registration, although simply browsing the site for products doesn’t have any such requirement.

The registration process however is completely anonymous and doesn’t send any verification E-mail, or ask for any personal details either, so you can specify any random, non-existing E-mail ID in the “E-mail” field.

However make sure you remember the E-mail ID you’ve specified because unlike other DNMs, you can’t login to DeepMart using your username and have to use that E-mail ID.

Products’ Availability

The backbone or the core of any Darknet Market is its products, isn’t it? This again is an aspect where DeepMart took the road less travelled by and doesn’t follow the traditions.

On DNMs (Darknet Markets) the tradition is that the product-list is always dominated by “drugs”, while there are absolutely no drugs available on DeepMart as of now.

The available product-categories on DeepMart are:

After going to every single category, and then to the profiles of every single vendor listed there and manually counting their number of listed products, the total individual listed products on the marketplace were found to be 225 exactly.

Carding is the most well-populated category with a total listing of 80 individual products from multiple vendors, it obviously sells Cards with pre-funded balances.

Then there are Electronics with as many as 39 individual listings, although the two vendors in the category sell only iPhones and Macs, hence it’s more like an “Apple” category rather than Electronics.

Money transfers has 45 listings, and comprises of products such as PayPal transfers , Western Union Transfers and so on. Gift Cards has 26 listings to be exact and offers Gift Cards for Amazon, Steam and iTunes.

Money Counterfeits too has 26 listings and as the name suggests sells notes (not fake, real, “marked for disposal notes) and currencies, primarily for EUR or USD.

Documents has only 3 products and offers Fake passports, Driver’s licenses etc. Hacking too is thin on listings and only 2 listings are available, both of which are DDoS attacks.

Bottomline, the product-catalogue isn’t as extensive or diverse as some other established marketplaces, but we can chuck it up to the novelty of DeepMart and can still say these are acceptable. 


There isn’t a lot of guarantee or safety associated with purchases when you buy items off the Darknet, this uncertainty is what DeepMart aims to address by offering three primary security features:

Buyer Protection is its unique offering which offers either a full refund if the ordered item isn’t received, or a partial refund if the received item isn’t what was described.

Multisig Escrow is basically an advanced Escrow system, which requires the authorization of more than just one parties before releasing funds. In most cases, the involved parties are the vendor, the buyer and the marketplace (2 of 3 multisig escrow).

This makes sure no one party can scam the other and the deals gets done on a fair note.

Finally, Vendor Transparency is what we already talked about in the earlier sections of this DeepMart review; it’s the feature which lists all the relevant information about a vendor such as his/her total sales, date of joining, reviews from other buyers and so on which make sure buyers can easily find filter the trusted vendors from scammers.

Considering how the marketplace is still an infant, it does lack 2-FA, Login Phrase and other such security features however it does seem to make up for them by offering its Buyer Protection which ultimately covers mishaps with the trade.

Payment Methods and Shipping

Payment methods contribute largely towards the user-anonymity especially for Darknet Purchases.

Keeping that in mind, DeepMart has limited itself to Bitcoin only, considering how it’s the oldest and most widely used cryptocurrency in the industry.

The unavailability of more options seems to be a well thought-out decision considering how even some of the most established marketplaces such as dream market accept only Bitcoin.

As for shipping, they offer multiple options including Standard Shipping, Express Shipping and Overnight shipping, prices for each differ based on priority levels.

Vending On DeepMart

The Marketplace does accept third-party vendors, although it lacks an automated vending-registration page.

Rather, users are required to contact support manually from their support page, keeping the subject as “Cooperation” and request the vendor privileges.

Note that a vendor-bond is required for the vendor accounts, the bond isn’t mentioned clearly on the marketplace yet, however it’s refundable once the vendors willingly close the vending accounts (and aren’t kicked off the platform for scams or other reasons).

Pros and Cons

Wrapping this DeepMart review up, let me get you the primary pros and cons of the marketplace in a nutshell:


  • Extremely Professional and Easy layout.
  • Acceptable number of Products.
  • Buyer Protection.
  • Transparent vendor profiles.


  • Needs more security features.

Final Words on DeepMart Review

That’s all we had to pour in on this piece, I do believe we’ve brought forth every important aspect of the marketplace including its UI, Products, Security, Payment Methods, Vending options and everything in between.

It also has the option which lets users check the status of their orders, just like any professional clearnet E-com site does keeping things transparent and users informed, this again is not something most DNMs offer.

Although If you should or shouldn’t go with the marketplace is a decision I’ll leave upto you folks.

In my personal opinion, the marketplace is acceptable and the shortcomings which do exist with the marketplace will probably be solved as time passes and the platform gets older.

Do drop what you think of the marketplace as well as this DeepMart review in the comments, and sharing won’t hurt, would it?