Dream Market Review and URL

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If you’re digging for dark web markets, I’m certain you’ve heard the name Dream market pop up on more than one occasions.

It’s one of the more sought-after marketplaces over the dark web, and rightly so.  It one of the most trusted marketplace after alphabay, because of the alphabay seized in July 2017 by Dutch Police, After some strict government policies, Dream market still live and playing the major role in Dark web markets community, Everyday more than hundreds of thousands of users selling or buying illegal or legal products. Tight now only Dream market is deserving on the top spots in the best deep web marketplace charts.

I am strictly notifying you, don’t visit that type dark web marketplace, if you are first time user on the deep web. If you already know about, How to protect your self on the deep web? or how to set up the highly protected environment for the dark web access.


Dream Market Overview

Dream market came into existence in 2013 and has been serving the community since the past 5 and ½ years faithfully and with utmost confidence.

Like most other Deep web markets, Dream market too aims at providing us goods and services which might not be locally legal in our country/state/ or city.

The reason of me scribbling down this Dream marketplace review is to get you a distinct picture of what Dream market is, what’s available over there, how secure will you be, and other commonly asked questions as such.

Before starting out, let’s have a surface-level view of the platform.

  • Dream Market Total Listings – 146,987 (as on 30.10.2018)
  • Primary URLwet4o7ali46htxkm
  • Subreddithttps://www.reddit.com/r/Dream_Market/
  • Universal Official Forumtmskhzavkycdupbr
  • Security Level Rating – 5 Star
  • 2FA with PGP (For PGP Key check out this link)
  • Support Multiple Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash(BCH), Monero(XMR))
  • New Registration – Enable
  • Bitcoin mixing support available at withdraw time, fee is 2.5%

Dream Market Alternative URLs

Date of signature: February 14, 2019, 9:16 pm
Signed by the Dream Market (lchudifyeqm4ldjjabout) official PGP key.

  • lchudifyeqm4ldjj
  • 2m7l7ivlrtxae7op
  • wet4o7ali46htxkm
  • wxanv3mgclbfdt56n4zs2tpo62npcbheyfmb3wdfxzcz43rhvway7did
  • 2m7l7ivlrtxae7op
  • uhivlt5grrqjhad7
  • ptlsz6dxboul2u3z
  • jd6yhuwcivehvdt4
  • t3e6ly3uoif4zcw2
  • 6frnzrkfkoyyp2gk
  • ocan7onexbaad3g7
  • s2c4cmjtvqvdlpw4
  • 2op42f4qv2reca5b
  • 53tae27o6zd27rvf

1. User Interface – 5/5

Before diving into the advanced features, let’s focus on the first things first. The user-interface on Dream marketplace is fairly simple.

It doesn’t show-off hoity-toity animations, popups or much of anything which you might expect on a “modern website”.

It’s more like a basic platform, which get’s a lot of “modern stuff” done! Because of its basic interface, even a first-timer doesn’t get lost over there.

Everything you might need is right there on the welcome screen, starting from the listings on the left-sidebar, currency exchange rates just below it, followed by Dream market alternative URLs.

The top bar consists of the 3 most important part of the platform, Account, Messages, and Shop!

And then there’s an advanced search bar at the very center of the page to help you find the products you’re looking for.

So what I’m trying to convey here is, even if it’s your first day on Dream market, it befriends you and you’ll feel like you’ve always been a visitor!

2. Services and Goods offered – 4/5

With 121,481 products available on the platform, they offer pretty much anything and everything which you might crave for.

As long as it’s not available in your local supermarkets, but still has a good consumer-base, chances are Dream marketplace won’t disappoint you.

The last update on this article was on 17.04.2018, it’s been just 6 months since then, and yet the market has seen a growth of 25506 products in this period, clearly suggesting it’s growth and market-value. 

It offers five primary types of products:

As you can see, and as is the case with most other deep web markets out there, Drugs have the highest listings, obviously catering to the high demand out there in the world.

The drugs section has again been categorized according to the different “types” of drugs, for e.g.

  • RCs
  • Prescriptions
  • Stimulants
  • Benzos

To name just a few.

The digital goods section offers a variety of services, but they primarily are “Online accounts”. For services like Porn websites, Netflix, Online bank account details.

Although you can also find “Make money online”, credit card details or “Carding tutorials” kinds of e-books and coaching material over there.

Third on the list are just general services, but some of the most premium ones, for eg. Fake passports, driving licenses etc.

And then there’s another section that goes by “Others”. It’s basically for every other product which doesn’t fit in one of the other pre-defined categories.

It holds knock-off products for premium brands like Ray-Ban sunglasses, handheld network jammers etc.

In other words, it ’s pretty rich when it comes to availability of products, although not as extensively stocked as Alphabay Market, still, it gives them a cut-throat competition. but

What’s “Not” Available:

3. Security – 5/5

As far as security goes, Dream marketplace survived 6 years in the industry not without a rock-solid understanding of it.

They’ve made sure that the privacy, anonymity as well as transactions for both the users as well as the sellers are as airtight as possible.

Some of the security features are:

  • 2 Factor Authentication: 2-Factor authentication can be enabled on the platform using PGP. It’s a feature which acts as an additional firewall to your account in addition to your password, unlike normal 2-FA protocols it doesn’t involve an OTP, and rather displays a PGP encrypted text, which users have to decrypt using their personal PGP keys and only then the accounts can be accessed. 
  • Escrow: Like any other escrow service, it ensures that a transaction between a vendor and a seller takes place smoothly. It’s a third-party neutral service which holds the money of the buyer until a confirmed delivery of the product they’re buying has been made. If not, the money isn’t sent to the seller and instead is returned to the buyers.
  • FE: “Finalize Early” is an advanced transaction method which makes a trade fast by letting the vendors request an early release of the funds, but the FE request can’t be made by just about any seller, only established, trusted sellers have that capability to do so which makes sure traders take their account status seriously.
  • Withdrawal PIN: Even if someone gains access to your account, you aren’t going to lose your funds. Dream market let’s you set a “Withdrawal Pin” which is not the same as your password. So your funds can’t be withdrawn without the PIN even with password access.
  • PGP Encryption: To make it impossible for hackers and third-parties/govt. to intercept your messages and communications between one another on the market, which might contain sensitive information like addresses, meet-up locations etc. Dream market has enabled “PGP Encrypted” messages. Meaning when communicating with vendors you can use a specific PGP key which is mentioned on their profiles, and only the owner of that PGP key will be able to decrypt your message. So even if Dream market is compromised in some way, or your messages land in the wrong hands, no one’s making any meaning out of them that’s for sure. For PGP guide click here.
  • Vendor Bond – It’s not “free” to be a vendor over at Dream marketplace. A vendor bond deposit of around $375 is required before you’re accepted as a vendor. This minimizes scam risks as only those who’re serious will put in the money.
  • Vendor “Trust” Level – DreamMarket ensures that only “trusted” vendors operate in their marketplace. And hence they’ve put up a “Trusted vendor” seal for the vendors who have an established reputation on the network. In addition to these, they also have an “overall rating” which is out of 2000 ratings and then at times you might also find “Empire Markets”, “Wall Street Markets” etc. These are basically ratings pulled from different marketplaces for that seller. Getting good, positive reviews on any of these marketplaces requires serious business, so anyone who has good scores to show, generally means can be trusted.

4. Search Functionalities – 4/5

In my earlier mention of the search tab, I termed it as an “advanced” search panel, well there’s reason for it.

The search panel has quite a number of filters, which help you land exactly on the product you’re looking for.

You can choose from where the order is shipped from, where it’s shipped to, whether you’re looking for an escrow-backed product or for a direct seller, the category of the product you’re searching, and from your favorite vendors.

The reason I rated it 4/5 and not 5/5 is simply because Alphabay’s search panel seems to be a bit more advanced, but that doesn’t in any way mean that Dream Drugs markets is a waste of time.

5. Currencies Accepted

Since the last couple of month dream market allowing multiple cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins, Bitcoin cash, Monero. I think this is the main reason is, Near December 2017 bitcoin blockchain phased high transaction load that time bitcoin transaction was taking very long time in the transaction approval that’s why Dream market also improving his interface for other 2 popular crypto coins (Bitcoin Cash or Monero).

Bitcoin has already made quite the reputation for itself as the “anonymous” “decentralized” currency, so this also adds as an extra layer of anonymity between you and your transactions. But right now you can make deals on the dream marketplace with Monero, which is the highly anonymous crypto coin.

They allot you dynamic Bitcoin addresses, which are valid only for one single transaction, after which you’re allotted a new address.

All transactions made to your address appear “instantly” on your account, although they’re marked as “pending” till at least 2 confirmations for the transaction have been made, which takes no more than 20 minutes in most cases.

Planning for buying anything on this awesome free markets but not have Bitcoins, Bitcoin Cash, or Monero then you may try some below given links that can help you to deals with these cryptocurrencies.

6. Dream Market Pros and Cons


  • Escrow service.
  • Trader reputation can be verified.
  • Extensive listings
  • Multiple currency support
  • 2FA (PGP, Password)
  • Bitcoin Mixing Support
  • Alternative URLS available


  • Support only available with Forum

Final Verdict:

Is it the best dark web market out there? Well, that’s open for debate. Every market has its own pros and cons.

But as far as a general dark web market is concerned, Dream marketplace is armed to the teeth to tear most of its competition to pieces.

Judging it by the availability of products, security features, and anonymity, I’d say it’s everything anyone would expect from any dark web market out there.

Can it be improved? Certainly. But so can Microsoft and Apple, still they’re the leading tech giants, aren’t they?

In fact, the dark web market is one of the most vulnerable, insecure and “scammer-rich” industry out there, but the fact that Dream market has survived for nearly 5 years now itself is a confidence booster both for buyers as well as sellers. They also remove non-active accounts every month.

Do let me know your take on the platform, it’s good hearing from you folks.