Is it Illegal to Access the Deep Web? (Truth and Myth)

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Is it Illegal to access the Deep web? It has been a floating question around the web for quite some time now, with no concrete answers.

So that’s exactly what we aim to address throughout this piece. But before we proceed towards dissecting the question of “is it illegal to access the Deep web?” to its core, it’s best we get a better grasp on what exactly the Deep web means! (It’s not what you think!)

What is the Deep Web? (Debunking the Myth!)

The Deep Web, contrary to how the media and the authorities try to project it, isn’t the get-together roundtable for terrorists, or smugglers.

In the simplest possible words,

The Deep Web, is a network of pages and websites, which isn’t indexed on the clearnet and can’t be accessed with regular browsers. It’s not censored or controlled by the government, and hence anything and everything is available and possible on the Deep web”

That being said, you don’t you get kidnapped, shot in the face, murdered or get into any serious, physical trouble simply by being on the Deep web.

But then again, the stories of people being cheated, getting their accounts emptied and being pranked in a big way aren’t just “stories” either.

Also, another major fact about the Deep web is, even though it’s the “lesser known” part of the web and not a large part of the population accessing the internet ever actually stumbles upon the deep web, it actually comprises of over 90% of the content of the actual vastness of the Internet”!

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Most people take the “Deep web” and the “Dark web” to be synonymous, well they aren’t! There’s a thin line between them, and it’s that the Deep web is simply un-indexed content, which contains stuff “less volatile” than the Dark web.

The deep web can totally exist on the clearnet as well. Files you’ve hosted privately, cache/cookie files not accessible via a search engine, your school records are all deep web content.This is by the definition that these are files which are simply “not indexed” by search engines.

In other words, you don’t necessarily need specialized software to access the deep web. Mostly, it’s just special permission/password that’s required.

The dark web is a subset, a smaller part of the deep web. It’s the part which too is unindexed, but is mostly on the Tor network and in most cases illegal or at least restricted.

You’ll need Tor to access most of the “dark web” while that’s not always the case for just “deep web” content.

In other words, everything that’s unindexed = deep web content. This includes the dark web. However, not everything that’s simply unindexed automatically becomes dark web content.

The deep web consists of leaked files, Govt. documents, medical records, financial records, anonymous forums etc, while the dark web being the more “darker” aspect, with stuff, such as weapons sale, drugs marketplace, and even child pornography (some seriously dark stuff that is!)

So in other words, when people generally think of the “Deep web”, they actually are thinking about the “Dark web”, because that’s where all the scary stuff happens, the Deep web is simply a bunch of un-indexed pages, period.

Is it Illegal to Access the Deep Web?

Down to the million dollar question.

The fact that “anything and everything is available and possible on the Deep web” clearly makes it illicit from the law and order perspective because obviously it is used to peddle anything and everything that’s not allowed on the surface web, ranging from hitman hiring to nukes (seriously!)

But Is it Illegal to access the Deep web? Here’s what we mean when we use the term illegal throughout this article:

  • Can land you in jail.
  • You’ll be prosecuted if caught in the act or if proved so later.

That’s what we generally need to know when we pose the question of something being or not being illegal, isn’t that right?

Now the thing is the very definition of “illegal” according to the Google dictionary is “contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law”.

And Wikipedia states that “Illegal, or unlawful, typically describes something that is explicitly prohibited by law.

In both the cases, the one phrase common is “Prohibited by law”. So the basic concept of this whole article is, “Is browsing the deep web prohibited by the law?”

No, it isn’t.

The Technicalities

Our question states “Is it Illegal to access the Deep web? “Access” being the key word here. Because simply accessing the Deep web is different then actually using and engaging on the Deep web.

According to a paper by the Chertoff Group (An U.S Security consultation firm), there are no solid, concrete policies which apply to the Dark/deep web as of now.

Even though the U.S does have some laws such as the CFAA (in plain English, it prevents hacking), listed in the 18 U.S.C 1030 (a) (2-5), they aren’t exactly related to the “deep/dark web”.

There also is the Budapest convention of 2001 pledging to harmonize criminal cyber laws (source: WilsonCenter Paper on Dark Net) but these laws again are related to simply “computers and cyber sector” and not to the Deep or dark web in specific.

Another point to be considered is, these are country-specific laws. Meaning, it might be totally legal to use the deep web in a country (although that’s rare, it’s just stated here to make a point), while in another it might get you a long-term jail sentence.

For e.g. in China, the laws are more extreme, while not so much in countries like India. Even in Austria, there is a precedent of a man being arrested simply because his computer and servers were used as TOR relay and a cybercrime was committed in some other country.

So in other words, there are no specific laws but there are laws, it’s more like “applies to nothing but everything” kind of situation. And it primarily depends on which country you reside in.

But then again, you’re just “Accessing/ browsing” and in no country will you be jailed simply for “browsing” the Deep web.

Here browsing means “Visually checking out the web pages on the deep web, without actually engaging on them”.

Another aspect worth consideration is the fact that if you’ve taken the necessary security precautions (like employed a good VPN) there’s a very thin chance of your identity being leaked out there unless someone’s actively looking for it, so in most cases you can’t be tied to your deep web activities in the first place.

And even if you’re tied to your browsing activities, it’s not something you can be convicted on in any court, in shortAccessing the Deep web” isn’t a stated crime in any court of law or constitution across the globe.

So to answer your question if is it illegal to access the Deep web, all I can say is it’s not illegal and is illicit at best.

Illicit here indicates that you can’t be jailed or convicted for being on the deep web, granted. But it’s still something the govt. doesn’t support or approve of, so if ever you’re charged with any other cyber related crime, the fact and proof of you being a Deep web stroller might serve as a serious blowback during your trials.

When Is it Illegal to Access the Deep Web?

Even though browsing the lesser explored parts of the Internet isn’t directly illegal, it’s still thin ice. The line between the illicit and the illegal gets blurred easily, hence you need to know where to get off the deep web bandwagon.

Child Pornography: According to a study by, over 80% of the visits to the Deep web involve child pornography (either it’s uploaded, or viewed). And in most countries across the globe, uploading or even viewing child pornography is a direct offence.

So even if you’re simply browsing through the Deep web, make sure you do not find yourself on some site related to the above said materials, and even if you do, we suggest you quit it immediately. This is the only case which can get you convicted for just browsing the Deep web.

Drugs: Drugs are the second-most viewed, bought and sold item on the Deep web. The fact that it’s not censored by the govt. makes it the perfect marketplace for vendors and buyers to get their fix.

Weapons: Even though these are somewhat less frequent than illegal porn and drugs, they’re still abundant on the darkweb. You’ll often come across vendors either selling weapons themselves, or markets which allow independent vendors to sell these items.

Sale of weapons is a crime by itself (without license), however, these weapons are often also without a serial number and can’t be traced which makes it even more so.

Illegal services: It’s not always “products” which differentiate the deep from the dark web. It’s also often illegal services. You’d very easily find people offering murder-for-hire services, hacking services, kidnapping, and so on. All of these are illegal as well.

A point here is that, the dark web is a “freedom loving” network. So, just because something is restricted in your country doesn’t mean the onion website is illegal by itself. A large number of darknet sites are built just to circumvent censorship and offer freedom of speed/expression.

As soon as you land on a deep web marketplace selling drugs, you’re no more on the “Deep web” and have instead ventured into the dark web.

Obviously buying or selling drugs is a direct, constitutionally stated offence in nearly all the countries across the globe, so that’s another aspect you shouldn’t get involved with.

Buying and Selling Products: And finally, even if you do not buy or sell drugs, basically anything and everything available on the Dark web marketplaces is illegal. From hacked credit cards to copyrighted ebooks.

Also note that in some countries, knowing of an illegal act being committed and not reporting it is a serious crime, hence for the citizen of those countries the laws would be stricter as even browsing the Deep web would be illegal for those specific people, simply because they’ll have the knowledge of cards, weapons and other pirated material being sold and not reporting it.

It however has no chance of landing you in jail considering how you’ll only be aware of the act being committed but not of the “by whom”; it’s still advised to take extra steps to ensure your safety if you belong to such nations.

How do people still order dark web products if it’s illegal to do so?

In order to understand that, you need to know that not all Dark web products are illegal. You may order a rare product someone is trying to sell, or, you may try to get your own social media account back if it has been hacked.

In these cases, you’re just paying for a legal product/service. As long as your own funds are obtained via legal methods, this is a completely legal transaction.

However, very rarely will you find people selling “legally obtained products” on dark web markets. They generally use eBay for that. The point being, people still order dark web products, which are illegal, without much risk. How’s that?

Well, they generally use a P.O box for that. Or, even a home address works actually. As long as they’ve made sure that the purchase can’t be traced back to them, the delivery doesn’t matter. Anyone could’ve ordered anything off the dark web for their address, right? Not their fault.

How do they de-link the purchase? They buy Bitcoins anonymously (or, even without anonymity), then, they mix and tumble those Bitcoins which basically makes their Bitcoins totally anonymous and untraceable back to them.These funds are then used to make purchases on the dark web.

So, to the govt. or law enforcement, it only seems like a drug parcel arrived at address X. But, who ordered the parcel? No one’s the wiser and hence they can’t be arrested.

Do note that we do not support any illegal activities, on or off the dark web.

Legal Sites on the Deep Web

This section is here to prove to you that not all of the Deep web is illegal. It should be understood by now that all of the “dark web” content (illegal content) is deep web content. But, not all of the deep web content (unindexed pages) needs to be dark web content.

The sites being listed below are 100% deep web content, and aren’t found on search engines. Yet, they are completely legal to visit and even use. This proves that deep web sites aren’t illegal. Only a smaller bunch of Deep web content, that which is explicitly illegal and is referred to as the “dark web sites” are illegal.

Secure Drophttp://secrdrop5wyphb5x.onion/ – Secure Drop is a pretty impressive and legal use of the Deep web. The URL above redirects you to a website which can be used to whistle-blow. You can share documents exposing individual, companies entire governments even. These directly reach some of the largest media outlets on the planet such as the Guardian, The Washington Post, The Intercept etc. All without anyone being able to trace back the deed to you.

Facebook http://facebookcorewwwi.onion/ – This is Facebook’s onion version. Completely legal to use, and still a deep web website. Note that how anonymous this deep web version of Facebook is, is still uncertain. Hence, you still have to be cautious. However, Facebook using the Tor network or the deep web sure proves it’s not illegal.

CIA – ciadotgov4sjwlzihbbgxnqg3xiyrg7so2r2o3lt5wz5ypk4sxyjstad.onion – This is the biggest example available that proves the Deep web too can be “legal”. It’s the official website of CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Well the CIA won’t (atleast publicly) do something illegal, would it? Hence the mere existence of this site proves the legality of the deep web.

Webpage Archieve – archivecaslytosk.onion– Another legal site on the Deep web is this webpage archive. Just like there’s the clearnet archive, this website lets you either access, or save your own website snapshots. Even web 2.0 sites are recorded. Can be used to archive both .onion as well as clearnet websites.

Duck Duck Gohttps://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/– Duck Duck Go is arguably the most anonymous search-engine in existence today. This URL can be used to access it on the TOR network. This makes it all the more secure, anonymous and privacy-respecting. Accessing Duck Duck Go, both on the clearnet as well as the TOR network is 100% legal.

Image Hosting – https://uoxqi4lrfqztugili7zzgygibs4xstehf5hohtkpyqcoyryweypzkwid.onion – It’s an image hosting site which is one the dark web, and yet, completely legal. It doesn’t allow copyrighted or illegal uploads. “Anonymity” is what’s offered. You can upload an image and share it with others without anyone being able to link the upload or share to you in real-life.

Uncensored image hosting since 2019 – http://fkfovz7toscmyexm.onion/– This is another image hosting site which offers anonymity . You don’t even need to register to upload and share your images with others. It says “uncensored” meaning it doesn’t censor anything, whatever you upload. Now, sites like these are user-run. So, someone may upload illegal content but that doesn’t make the site illegal by itself (unless, it consciously chooses to ignore such uploads.)

Just upload stuff – http://jusfileobjorolmq.onion/ You can upload any file here, anonymously. Another legal site which can be used by journalists and whistleblowers without compromising their identity. Files up to 300MB can be uploaded. TOR uploads are deleted after 1 download, a nifty self-destruct feature. It too doesn’t allow illegal content that’s illegal in your country or the EU.

Hence proved, the deep web does host “legal content” as well and isn’t outright illegal.

How to access the Dark Web? [Security Tips]

The Dark web is mostly and largely on the Tor network.

And note that even “accessing” the Dark web isn’t illegal.

As long as you do not get involved in directly illegal activities.

Here are a few steps which, if and when followed, will make sure you stay secure on the Dark web:

Step 1 -> Download NordVPN.

Yes, you can go with any other VPN. But, no other VPN offers an audited, proven, verified no-logs policy.

Nor does any other VPN offer the speeds NordVPN does, especially now that the Wireguard protocol has been implemented.

You can read this detailed NordVPN review for details.

Step 2-> Launch your VPN (even if it’s not NordVPN) and connect to a server.

Step 2-> After the VPN is launched and connected. Download TOR browser.

Step 3 -> If you already have TOR, update your TOR browser to the latest version.

Step 4-> Now, increase your browser’s security.

You can read this piece on how to use Tor to make yourself anonymous.

Step 5-> Finally, mask your webcam and mic using a black tape.

Go exploring the dark web.

You can also read our detailed guide on how to access the deep web.

Can you Click on the Links Provided on this Site?

Being a platform primarily focused around the Deep/Dark web, we believe this should be addressed. Let’s start with the fact that we aren’t some sort of “Dark Web Promoters”.

Also, we do not post darkweb links. So you wouldn’t find any links you can “click on” and directly reach the Dark web. Sure we’ve shared links for some deep web sites such as “Secure Drop” which are completely legal.

If and when you do find links, or something which can be modified into a link is only here for reference purposes. Note that Onion links also change pretty frequently. Hence there’s no guarantee that something mentioned on this site, which can be modified into a link still works.

Also, any time anything even remotely related to a link is posted on this site, we include a description of the link. The purpose is to make it clear to you the legality of the respective link.

If the description says the site may be potentially illegal or illicit, you shouldn’t try to modify any text, turn it into a link and visit it. All in all, you sure “can” click on links and visit Deep/Dark web sites, but it’ll be completely and solely your own responsibility.

So let’s sum up the answer to the question if Is it Illegal to access the Deep web?

Final Words:

So the crux of this whole question –“ Is it Illegal to access the Deep web ?” is that, No, it’s not illegal to browse the Deep web, except for when viewing material related to Child pornography.

Browsing the Deep web isn’t illegal to a point till when you’re simply browsing the Deep web, as soon as you buy or download something, anything which is sold or available on the Deep web, there’s a 99% chance that it’s illegal, and hence it becomes an illegal act.

In other words, anything which is legal in the real world, for e.g. browsing the Internet, is legal on the Deep web as well.h

But anything which isn’t legal in the physical world, such as buying/selling drugs/weapons/leaked govt. documents etc is also illegal on the Deep web.

So, the “Deep web” itself isn’t illegal, feel free to take an evening stroll through its dark alleys, but what you do on the Deep web dictates the fact if it is or isn’t legal.

In order to support my concluding arguments that accessing the Deep web isn’t illegal, here are some excerpts I collected during my research from some established law firms across the globe, which again back my talk up.

And here’s an excerpt from LegalVision, Australia:

So after dissecting the question “ Is it illegal to access the Deep web ? to its very crux, we conclude that,

It’s not illegal to access the Deep web, the Deep web is legal, although what’s illegal is buying and selling of goods or any material on the Deep web which also is prohibited in the real, physical world”.