Same as Clearnet, the deep web also has quite a few TOR search engines that continuously crawl .onion websites and update their onion links database. If you have any query or looking for any specific deep web link, that’s exactly what you can find with the help of these Tor search engine links.
Below I’m listing some very popular Tor search engines and trusted hidden wiki links.
If you want to search anything on the deep web or dark web, then deep web search engine can help you, because these maintain their database regularly, and add new deep web links in the database.
Since Tor Browser doesn’t provide complete anonymity and privacy, If you want to protect your privacy or anonymity on the deep web then you need to check out my complete step by step guide.
Before visiting the below listed deep web search engine links, you should know, how to access the deep web or dark web secure, and what points you should know before visiting the dark web.
Warning: Before browsing the deep web links/the dark web links, always run your NordVPN Onion Over VPN Server with Tor Browser. I am recommending you NordVPN because that offers 100% complete anonymity, NordVPN offers a special sever service Onion Over VPN, These servers migrate you all internet traffic from Tor Nodes, NordVPN also supports Internet kill switch and app kill switching. Now you can buy NordVPN for only $10.16/Month ($3.15/Month)
Table of Content:
Deep Web Search Engine Links | Dark Web Search Engines Links
tor66sewebgixwhcqfnp5inzp5x5uohhdy3kvtnyfxc2e5mxiuh34iid.onion – Darknet Search Engine – Tor 66 – It’s a darknet search engine. Does display tons of ads on the homepage. Has a “Top Onion” option, which instantly displays a list of supposedly popular .onion sites. “Random Onions” is another option that shows darknet sites at random. And finally, there’s a “Fresh onions” option, which shows the most recent additions. Also shows the first-seen date, and the last crawled date/time for each URL.
ybzlxo7r5agiyfvugtsi4peepjzad57cqm57h65a6xzcwd6grfuhxvqd.onion – Tor search engine – NotEvil Tor Search engine – Here you can search any query by the title of according to URL and both, notEvil continuously updating his onion links database, right now notEvil have 29 Million+ index onion pages. User’s query results show like google result (Links description, Link, and title).
torchdeedp3i2jigzjdmfpn5ttjhthh5wbmda2rr3jvqjg5p77c54dqd.onion – Tor Search Engine Links – Torch Tor Search Engine – Alternative dark web search engine that also can help you to find any query related results, What you want to search in Torch search engine, But one thing is not good, which is ads on the homepage and also top on the result page. My recommendation is to use other alternative search engines.
5qqrlc7hw3tsgokkqifb33p3mrlpnleka2bjg7n46vih2synghb6ycid.onion – Search Engine – Onion Center – It’s a simple search engine There’s a text-box using which you can search without any advanced features/options. There’s just a “add URL” button that lets anyone index their own URLs. Does have a few banner ads on the homepage. Does have advanced text filters (match/ exclude/relevant/ exact match) etc. No duplicate results. Shows last online status of each URL.
duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad.onion – Search Engine – DuckDuckGo – DuckDuckGo is probably the most popular anonymous search engine on the planet. It doesn’t trace/track you, your activities, the sites you visit or basically anything else. No personal information is collected so obviously nothing is shared either. It doesn’t display personalized ads either. This .onion version makes it even more secure (a clearnet version exists as well). World’s best privacy-oriented search engine, that doesn’t track any search engine logs. By this search engine, you can find clearnet or dark web both type links. If you are looking best google alternative then always try DuckDuckGo. DuckDuckGo launched in 2008, and still growing these days millions or people use DuckDuckGo every day. If you are a privacy geek, then set DuckDuckGo as a primary search engine in your browser.
no6m4wzdexe3auiupv2zwif7rm6qwxcyhslkcnzisxgeiw6pvjsgafad.onion – Search Engine – Submarine – It’s a darknet search engine (obviously). Does display a ton of banner ads on the homepage. Has a somewhat Google-like interface. The first 3 results are paid results (ads) followed by organic results. Does display meta descriptions for results, however, as always those mostly don’t make sense. Displays Bitcoin price, market cap, and volume on the sidebar.
2fd6cemt4gmccflhm6imvdfvli3nf7zn6rfrwpsy7uhxrgbypvwf5fad.onion – Search engine – Excavator – It has an extremely basic interface. Doesn’t require JavaScript and doesn’t trace us or our queries in the tiniest bit. Does display pretty unique, text-ads. No graphic/banner ads used. Unfortunately, I did see a few completely illegal ads. Displays very short meta descriptions. Lets users report links that aren’t working. No images/news or anything else supported.
haystak5njsmn2hqkewecpaxetahtwhsbsa64jom2k22z5afxhnpxfid.onion/ – Search Engine – Haystak – Newly launched deep web search engine, where you can search required deep web links with the help of any type-specific keywords. Only you need to put your query in the search engine text field then hit the search button.
5s4zu5bt7ndw7axniiz6ypvgxpy6bpsslyfr2uhmrnwbehisxcc3vvid.onion – Deep web search engine – Searx – Anonymous onion search engine which collecting results from a various local search engine like Bing, This search engine was not delivered results related to onion links, if you are looking onion links then this site can’t help you.
xmh57jrknzkhv6y3ls3ubitzfqnkrwxhopf5aygthi7d6rplyvk3noyd.onion – .onion search engine – Torch Deep Web Search Engine – This is the V3 domain for the very popular and well-established Torch search engine. Has one of the biggest databases, nearly a million sites! Does display a ton of banner ads though. You can choose to search for “exact words” or results that match any words from your search phrase.
juhanurmihxlp77nkq76byazcldy2hlmovfu2epvl5ankdibsot4csyd.onion – Darknet search engine – Ahmia – This is the .onion URL for the very popular darknet search engine- Ahmia. Ahmia is also accessible on the clearnet. It doesn’t index clearnet results, only. Onion results can be found. It allows anyone to add new addresses to its database. It maintains an active abuse blacklist which prevents illegal porn and other such content from being indexed. AHMIA is an open-source project, This project working like as a search engine, by the help of AHMIA you can find any relevant query stuff about the deep web/the dark web. Only put your query and hit enter then result on display.
search7tdrcvri22rieiwgi5g46qnwsesvnubqav2xakhezv4hjzkkad.onion – Dark web search engine – Deep Search – It’s obviously a darknet search engine. A very basic interface with nothing but a text box is presented. At the bottom, there’s a “top 10 searches” section which shows the most searched terms on the site. Also shows the no. of times each term has been searched for. Currently, the site has 258978 indexed results.
tordexu73joywapk2txdr54jed4imqledpcvcuf75qsas2gwdgksvnyd.onion – Deep link search engine – Tor Dex – It’s a slightly more advanced darknet search engine. You can obviously search using keywords, however, a “fresh onions” page shows the most recently indexed results. “Top Onions” is another page that shows the most visited .onion links. The most recent search terms on the site too are shown publicly. Each result is accompanied with a screenshot of the target website. Dark web search engines can help you find onion or tor links. I did notice however that the platform promotes a number of scammer site banners on the homepage. At the time of writing this, the search engine homepage had more than 20 banners and the maximum are scammers.
5s4zu5bt7ndw7axniiz6ypvgxpy6bpsslyfr2uhmrnwbehisxcc3vvid.onion/ – Deep web Search engine – Searx – Anonymous onion search engine which collects results from various local search engines like Bing, This search engine was not delivered results related to onion links, if you are looking onion links then this site can’t help you.
xcprh4cjas33jnxgs3zhakof6mctilfxigwjcsevdfap7vtyj57lmjad.onion/ – Search-Engine – TorNet Global Search Engine is a search engine which lets a user key-in their Keyword, and choose from over 20 different search engines to search from. Each search can only be searched on one search engine at once. Does display ads. Generates a “query link” after the search which redirects users to their search results. Is free, and helpful when you don’t have a search-engine list to search the onion network.
3bbad7fauom4d6sgppalyqddsqbf5u5p56b5k5uk2zxsy3d6ey2jobad.onion/ – Search Engine – Onionland Search engine – Recently launched search engine which working like Grams but before couple days ego grams shut down his service, Onionland also offers keyword-based search result, but when I am trying to search ” Guy porn ” keyword then only found the similar result on all pages.
zb2jtkhnbvhkya3d46twv3g7lkobi4s62tjffqmafjibixk6pmq75did.onion – Deep web search engine – GDark – GDark offers this unique “grouping” of results so that results from the same URL are grouped together. It has a “percentage” metric next to results, it could either be the share of total clicks the URL receives for the keyword, or an indication of the chances that the site is live or dead. Alike most other Tor search engines, a description is displayed but is useless. Has an impressive site database.
metagerv65pwclop2rsfzg4jwowpavpwd6grhhlvdgsswvo6ii4akgyd.onion/ – Tor Search Engine – MetaGer – It’s a German Tor search engine which runs on renewable energy, supports anti-censorship views and doesn’t store logs or track users. A modern search bar is available, is open-source, and resembles Duck Duck Go in quite a few senses.
search65pq2x5oh4o4qlxk2zvoa5zhbfi6mx4br4oc33rpxuayauwsqd.onion – Search Engine – Onion Search Engine – Dark web search engine where you can keep web links or a normal internet search results, but one thing is different which is you can not search keywords on both (Onion Network or Standard Network) platforms. If you have an onion site, then you also can add that link here.
phobosxilamwcg75xt22id7aywkzol6q6rfl2flipcqoc4e4ahima5id.onion – Search Engine – Phobos – Dark web search engine which only shows onion address and the user can search any results by keywords, only type keywords like google search engine and holla result on your desktop.
oxytphxqnhsmnonmqodazmajpbtminlpmob72cpzmjmrvedp6ihp4lyd.onion – Search Engine – Rocket breaker – Search Entertain, learn! – Search engine is not working properly, when I searched for my query here no result was found, other pages links too are showing 404 error(Page not found).
quosl6t6c64mnn7d – Deep web search engine – QUO – Quo is a darknet search engine that indexes .onion links. It offers a very professional user interface, full with screenshots of the destination site. It doesn’t store logs, cookies, or IP addresses. The database isn’t extensively massive yet, however, 20,000+ onion sites are available. It makes sure no illegal porn sites remain on the search engine making it a legally secure dark web search engine. Doesn’t show duplicate results.
oss7wrm7xvoub77o – Deep web search engine – OSS – OSS stands for Onion Search Server, it clearly indicates that the results are unfiltered, and may be illegal or unethical. All and any results are shown as long as they’re on the dark web (.onion addresses.) The interface is confusing, long, meaningless descriptions are displayed. Does display large snapshots of the sites.
dnmugu4755642434 – Drugs Search Engine – Kilos – Kilos is a Darknet search engine that focused primarily and solely on “Drugs”. Advanced search filters are available, including min-max price range, specific-market searches, source and destination, and preferred Cryptocurrencies.
liberapxsrjw5wye – Search-Engine – It’s a Darknet Search-Engine, which makes money via Ads. Claims to have couple thousands Onion sites indexed. Searches can be made either by keywords, or direct URLs. Each ad can be ordered for a minimum of 1 month, and a maximum of 6 months. 1month costs (0.011 BTC) and 6months of ad-placement cost 0.026BTC. Only Bitcoin is accepted as the mode of payment.
abikogailmonxlzl – Search Engine – Abiko – a good alternative to the DuchDuckGo search engine, search results also show in a user-friendly form, which looks like google results.
Grams Search Engine and Associated Deep Web Services Links:
Grams is newly launched deep web search engine, this search engine getting a good amount of popularity within very short time and these days thousands of people use Grams for deep web access. You can access Grams by using below dark web link.
grams7enufi7jmdl – Tor Search Engine Links – Grams Search Darknet Markets and more.
Grams is not a single platform, but it’s like a Google, couple month after grams launched to date, Grams introduce some other products like Helix, Helix Light, Infodesk or Flow.
All three have unique features. If you want to access these three Grams sub product, then you can access by the help of Grams deep web link, or you can also go by the help of below given direct dark web links.
Note: Helix takes charge 2.5% every transaction.
Helix Tor Directory Link: grams7enufi7jmdl/helix/light
InfoDesk: If you want to find any Vendor, products or any specific marketplace Tor link then this place can help you because here you can find some great marketplace which is trusted, and most people use in daily life. You can access InfoDesk using below deep web link.
InfoDesk Hidden Wiki Link: grams7enufi7jmdl/infodesk
Flow: Now time for Flow, this is another popular deep web product which is also introduced by Grams, Hope you like Flow features because some person like this platform for Flow redirect feature.
According to this, if you want to access any darknet markets and you didn’t remember Tor directory link, then you can access these types hidden wiki URL or deep web links easily.. GramsFlow makes this complicated type of process easier.
Now you only need to remember your marketplace name like Agora, Wiki, OutLaw, nuke, or any other and you can access with the help of Flow.
For Example: if you want to access the hidden wiki then you need to type in your Tor Browser, then holla your link redirects to the actual tor hidden directory.
For using the awesome feature of Flow, visit below to give a deep web link.
Flow Tor Hidden Directory Link: grams7enufi7jmdlinfodesk
sinbad66644fr5lq – Search Engine – Sindbad is another very good search engine, which also has a large number of hosts and Tor directory links.
carontevaha5x626 – Tor Search Engine Links – Caronte – looking for another deep web search engine then caronte will help you, same as another normal search engine here you also can put your keyword in the search box then you will get query-related result front of your screen.
dark23456yyx57ny – Tor Search Engine – Dark Matter – This is another deep web search engine for finding your required .onion website links. Here you can search any keyword and will find the best results like Google.
o2jdk5mdsijm2b7l – Search Engine – Gibberfish Search – A search engine which you can use on the dark web to search for clearnet results, This search engine shows results by the help of Bing and DuckDcukGo cache. Doesn’t track your search queries and protects user privacy and anonymity.
k65nsnwos76xfwsj – Search Engine – Pickle – Darknet Search Engine which displays .onion search results. Primarily is concentrated around the website homepage URL rather than the full URL address. Displays description. Also has a “Pickle score”.
Deep Web Links Directory | .Onion Links Directory | Hidden Wiki Links URL
Link directories are alike search-engines in the sense that these too offer you links to darknet onion sites. However, unlike search engines, these aren’t maintained on automation.
Rather, link directories are updated manually by the owner of those directories. This results in many links not working when lifted off link directories. Onion sites often go down and the owners do not update those links as frequently. (We update our links on a daily basis).
Link directories also are more likely to have scam links as the owner fully controls which links go on the site and which don’t. Even this page is a link directory, and this is why we encourage you to verify all links via PGP (when possible) for authenticity.
raptora2y6r3bxmjcd3xglr3tcakc6ezq3omyzbnvwahhpi27l3w4yad – Onion link directory – Raptor – It’s one of the most professional link directories based on its UI. It doesn’t have thousands of links and has mostly listed darknet markets and their mirrors. A few links for darknet search engines, onion Bitcoin mixers, software, anonymous e-mails, etc. are surely available. Also displays a few banner ads.
q3o3hdjbf6vwxdnpskyhxw7w7rnmnfhz2szbuala4q24x6csbp7adiad – Link directory – Hidden Services Today – A basic-looking site with categories such as search engines, forums, communication, news, darknet hosting, blogs, Crypto exchanges, etc. Markets and “shops” have dedicated pages and a few dozen links in each can be found.
eweiibe6tdjsdprb4px6rqrzzcsi22m4koia44kc5pcjr7nec2rlxyad – Tor Link Directory – The Tor Project – This one’s technically a link directory, however, it’s pretty unique. It’s the official Gitlab for the Tor Project. You can use it to find legitimate links for Tor projects, teams, communities, Tor packages, and basically everything else as long as it’s related to Tor. Helps you avoid downloading malicious packages or getting in touch with fake “officials from Tor”.
qrtitjevs5nxq6jvrnrjyz5dasi3nbzx24mzmfxnuk2dnzhpphcmgoyd – Link directory – The Dark Web Pug’s Ultimate Guide To The Dark Web – It’s a very basic link directory which has listed links along with the categories those links belong to. Probably isn’t updated very frequently and hence quite a few links may not work. No visible ads are displayed, do note that some links may still be sponsored though.
indexzz7n3cq4slh5bh2lcctmiwk2y7epxjvkpyaemtuat2alprveyid – Link directory – Deep Web Türkçe İndex – It’s a link directory that’s probably owned by a Turkish team/admin. Only has 25 links, most of which lead to darknet markets, however, wallets and exchanges too are available. Does have a short description (like this one) for some (not all) links. It’s completely in Turkish and hence most of the text won’t make a lot of sense to most people.
m4wz6oomdkhafd4m5qqmv3qdjjfi6ias4kqes3v5w2rlnpoz6b6bwzyd – Link Directory – Knigth – It’s a very brief, probably personal link directory. Has just 5 links so far. Does make it clear that it’s for resisting censorship and for the betterment of anonymity and privacy. Has a public PGP key as well as a contact email listed. Links to Wikipedias, hacker sites, and other pro-privacy sites.
qfrbz5vd32pdx2kdvp4ortjtst662edddfyidufuzwz7ozzoiykzryyd – Link Directory – Made in France – It’s a link directory that’s updated manually. It surprisingly claims that every single link has been verified manually, even physical products as well as site codes! It also lists the contact info for most sites if you wish to contact them directly.
rzqzt73dmwxsa4mqpfbod7wuo3fzs3mjv5vadav7gdqxntipedpkmhid – Link Directory – Work Onion Links Best – It’s a link directory. The name suggests that all links are working it may or may not be true. Has a few categories such as porn, forums, wiki, political, blogs, etc. Has a “top links” section, which may be based on hits or sponsorships. One-liner descriptions are provided for each link.
torlinkszegvxqb6 – Tor link directory – Onion Link Directory – This probably is one of the most ad-spammed link directories on this list. Once you ignore the dozens of banner ads, you can find link categories on the right sidebar for search engines, financial services, markets, social media, forums, and a lot more.
zqktlwi4fecvo6ri/wiki/index.php/Main_Page – Uncensored Hidden Wiki – Collections of the largest number of Deep web Links directories, but not updated since, from a long time, this is the main reason, a lot of deep web links are not working. But still, the site has some active deep web links (Tor Search engine, Warez, Finance, Blogs).
darkdirmpmoq3uur – Deep Web Links – Dark Dir – Another deep web links directory that has more than 1000+ onion links database, but most of the links are not working.
visitorfi5kl7q7i – Onion Links Directory – VisiTor – Same as the upper given onion links directory, here you also can find all links properties, well categorized, working status, tag, thumbnails, and link titles. On VisiTor, you can easily find your dark web market links within a very short time. Only select the link relevant category and search your link.
7cbqhjnlkivmigxf – Onion Directory – The Onion Crate – This is an ancient deep web links directory that has more than 1000+ onion links but mostly is dead and fishing links.
darktorbnuq3mo3g – Link-Directory – Fresh Onion Link Directory – A link-directory offering a rather short list of Darknet Market links. Has exactly 29 links so far. Although doesn’t seem to have legal boundaries as also offers Child-Porn links (Extremely illegal, do not visit). Has link categories such as Snuff, Adult, Books, Hosting, Torrent Sites, E-mail, and Political. No other information is available. Does accept Donations via Bitcoin and Dash. All 29 links are working (verified).
dirt2rkid2xkg4ahwiuvstpve3l6hjg6hhghpuaivv6rxtwk4budyrad – link directory – Directorio Tor 2.0 – This is a Tor link directory that’s completely in Spanish. Although, it’s completely understandable. Some of the available categories include financial services, anonymous emails, hacking, blogs, etc. No additional information about any of the links is offered except for their titles and URLs. Is completely free but does accept donations via BTC.
russianvii3zs27lht5jvwuppli77k47567bbv5o3bsos4qxxbu67sid – Russian link directory – Russian Road – Despite the name, this darknet link directory uses both English and Russian for its descriptions. With each link, a one-liner description is posted. Currently, Wikipedias, darknet hosting, drugs, gadget stores, and other similar links are available. No indications about the links’ status (online/offline) or scam/not scam intentions are offered.
3vhdtqp4jzllcn3fczzx5locmfllicoimvk4xzthfuqdcefjkumgcnad – Link directory – Baobab – It seems to be a link directory maintained by a single admin. It’s just a list of categories, and then links for those categories. Note that most categories do not host direct rather “tutorials” on how to get things done. Even when redirects do happen, they lead to topics like Philosophy, rants, software, songs, etc.
darkindex5pin6jb – Link Directory – DarkIndex – It’s a link directory whose primary focus is to provide anti-DDoS and anti-phishing mirrors for darknet markets, forums, and a few other darknet sites such as anonymous e-mails. The URLs are published along with their PGP keys to prove authenticity. The online/offline status of each URL too is shown without you having to visit the URL.
darkeyepxw7cuu2cppnjlgqaav6j42gyt43clcn4vjjf7llfyly5cxid – Darknet link directory – Dark Eye – It’s a link directory with links for over 50 darknet sites, most of these are darknet markets such as Dark Market, Ajax Market, Union Market and others. Most URLs have multiple mirrors listed for them. Shows additional data such as status, uptime, last status check time etc.
qrtitjevs5nxq6jvrnrjyz5dasi3nbzx24mzmfxnuk2dnzhpphcmgoyd – Link Directory – The Dark Web Pug – It’s a very basic darknet link directory. Has around 50 or so links. No uptime/scam status is shown however includes a short description of the URLs and their purposes. Most links lead to Darknet markets, however, a few links also exist for illegal weapon markets on the darknet, fake notes and documents, darnket gadgets shops, etc.
soupkso3la22ltl3 – Tor Search Engine – Onion Soup – The site isn’t actually a “search engine”. It’s more of a blog cum links directory. The site has a number of articles and links. On the right sidebar, a number of links categorized under “lists”, “search”, “forums” etc. are listed. Doesn’t have thousands of links, yet most available links are active and of established sites.
g2qt4s22imc6rmcd – Link-Directory – An open link-directory, open meaning anyone can add an Onion URL along with a Description and Category on the site. Has around 10 links so far. Offers Last tested, Last Seen, and “Added on” date for each link. Also has an inbuilt tester which can be used to test a link’s live/dead status. The site is available in multiple languages such as English, Dutch, French and so on.
darkfailllnkf4vf – Link-Directory – DarkFail is a simple one-page website that lists a number of Onion URLs that checks the online status of various websites. Its philosophy is to protect users against phishing attacks. Lists both legal as well as illegal sites. Has around 50 URLs on the page. The site however doesn’t vouch for any sites and only servers as an “anti-phishing resource”.
torvps7kzis5ujfz/~user/ – Deep Web Links – HSMon – This is another onion link list, here you also can access more than 1000+ links access, but the website only have link column. Link description and link name are not available that’s why here you don’t know what link is associated with which website.
torlinksccquz7bi – Onion Links Directory – TorLinks – This dark web links directory have more than 100+ active links, this is very user-friendly because here you can easily know, which links working and which are not. The list is also categorized according to the relevant category like as tor search engine, wiki links, drugs, adult, weapons, documents and so on.
underdj5ziov3ic7 – Deep Web Links – UnderDir – Another onion links directory which is regularly updated, and every listed dark web sites have the description, online status, last check (working or not) also show site thumbnail. Underdir is also another good choice for hidden wiki links.
jh32yv5zgayyyts3 – Hidden Wiki Links Directory – Onion List – This onion directory layout is similar to the hidden wiki, the website has all listings according to the category. Here you can find link related to porn, document, politics, document, bitcoins, marketplace, Tor search engine, documents, fraud, drugs, and much more.
yvmpwsd7vlxp2zgt – Directory – Directorio Tor – Spanish language deep web links directory but mostly hold old links that are not working right now, If you are looking Spanish directory then you may try to visit the given link.
wikilink77h7lrbi – Directory – Wiki Links | Tor .onion urls directories – This is a very old link directory and still updating regularly found more than 1000 links but most don’t work.
khdwk3olxr3kip2p – Directory – Korean Directory – This Korean language directory, if your mother language is Korean then you need to explore this onion links directory.
frwikisfa6myvgyx – Directory – French Hidden Wiki – Deep web directory which is available in the French language, Are you interested in getting onion links in the French language with a description then explore that link.
linklistpugaiwpi – Tor Links Directory – Onion Link List – This onion link list is also very user-friendly and has a well-categorized table. The table has more than 2000+ links and some working and some dead. Here you can easily know which onion link is working because the front of each link indicated by green button. Link also has a description.
tt3j2x4k5ycaa5zt – Deep Web Links – Danial Onion Link List – This onion links directory has a big amount of links some working and some not. The link you can text with the help of the front given test list also you can edit from your side by the help of the edit button. If you found any scam or phishing link, then you can change that link by editing the button.
linksvgkrmdzguvo – Dark Web Links Directory – Tor Links List: same another deep web links site, here you also can get dark web links information but the site only has a few links not many and some links work and most do not.
directdal7bourmy – Hidden Wiki Directory – Onion Directory: Another .onion links directory, but when I checked offer links, some links working and mostly dead, not updated directory since from 2014.
5zf5yc2vwcnxgugv – Deep Web Links – .onion URL|Tor Links List: Another site that also provides, onion links information, but the only website has a few links, and some links are working and some not.
auutwvpt25zfyncd – Onion Links Directory – Onion Dir: This website have good amount of active .onion links and is also categorized into good manner. One thing is very good on this website top right section, site offer how many listed onion links this website has and how many are working right now.
reviewef2jhdet6c – Directory – Onion Review – Do you love the deep web and want to read about any marketplace, or store review then this onion site can help you. This website has more than 700+ real reviews by real users.
tmxwwir2rbxakwmi – Deep Web Directory – Dark Italy – Do you know the Italian language and looking site that presenting his content in the Italian language then here I have Dark Italy for you, which has more than 20+ active Italian forums, community, blogs where you can discuss about any topics and also can read latest Italian news.
36ctf62npcyhbgcd – Deep Web Links – Freenet links – If you are aware of Freenet and looking for active Freenet links for any type of media downloading, this site offers more than 200+ active Freenet links, these links are related to videos, books, guides, application, etc.
uhu7jakqd6ttrqlw – Deep Web Links – Nirgal’s links – This is a very old site, according to the site homepage admin only updated this site in one time within 3 years, At my visit time this site mostly links are not working.
gmfvhgkue66ejbfg – Deep Web Links – JF/Links – German site that offers some good links related to BoyLinks, Girl Links, Boy Wiki, Boy Chat, Girl Chat, etc. mostly links are related to clearnet sites. If you love boy or girls related stuff (Video, Chat, Images) then explore the given link.
rlrubc7so5acoie7 – Deep Web Links – Shred (DarkTree) – This Dark web link deliver some useful links about some online tools related to wiki board, but these wiki board can give you all information like download links, media files, product description and much more.
4wqi32lc4xit3nb7 – Deep Web Directory – Tor Roulet – This tor links directory has more than 70+ active onion sites links, but all links are not managed according to the category also you can’t find what links indicated to which site. If you are a first-time deep web user and only want to visit active onion links, then visit here.
iso2qqewfaemeifx – Deep Web Directory – Deep Map – This is a deep web links directory that has more than 200+ links but when I tried to visit mentioned links, I opened more than 10 onion link, but only 1 link were working, According to me, site have mostly dead or old onion links.
doe6ypf2fcyznaq5 – Deep web links – Runion Wiki – .onion – Russian onion links directory, and mention links are categorized according to categories. Links also updated before couple of days ego that’s why mostly links are working.
relatecxjngl4qs7 – Directory – Relatelist – onion site which has more than 50 million records all over the world, their user can find a relationship between organizations or persons. Here you only need to put the company name or company website.
befrpwfinqkww32q – Deep Web Links – Diretorio do jisis – Same as another directory here you also can get dark web onion links, but directory have dead links, I tried to more than 20 links but only found two workings. And directory only has the site name or site web address.
noscamkyvvxd7dk5 – Deep web links – Anti Scam Sites – if you are regular visitor on the deep web than you already aware lot of scam and fishing sites are available on the dark web. If you want to get these type of onion sites information then here you can get these type of sites information.
iso2qqewfaemeifx – Deep Web – Directory Deep Map – This is deep web links directory that has more than 200+ links but when I tried to visit mention links, I opened more than 10 onion link but only 1 links were working, According to me, site have mostly dead or old onion links.
4wqi32lc4xit3nb7 – Deep Web Directory – Tor Roulet – This tor links directory have more than 70+ active onion sites links, but all links are not managed according to category also you can’t find what links indicated to which site. If you are a first-time deep web user and only want to visit active onion links, then visit here.
rlrubc7so5acoie7 – Deep Web Links – Shred (DarkTree) – This Dark web link delivers some useful links about some online tools related to wiki board, but this wiki board you can get all information.
doe6ypf2fcyznaq5 – Deep web links – Runion Wiki – .onion – Russian onion links directory, and mention links are categorized according to categories. Links were also updated before couple of days ago that’s why most links are working.
auutwvpt2zktxwng – Deep web Directory – Onion Dir – Deep web directory that offers onion links for deep web exploration.
oniondrlb455ed4l – Directory – Onion Shop Rating – Onion site that holds all popular darknet marketplaces links with his rating. Also, you can read previous reader’s comment means what users think about these markets. But links are not updated since from a long time, I am saying that because all links are old and not working, many marketplaces changed his site access links.
chanesbabzcuweb – Links Directory – El Mundo De Los Chanes – It’s a site in Spanish, which speaks about anonymity and freedom of opinion and expression for its users. Has a couple of links that redirect to other domains. Some topics include “Suicide Ideas”, “Hacking and Cracking”, “Dark Confessions” etc.
gmfvhgkue66ejbfg – Deep Web Links – JF/Links – German site that offers some good links related to BoyLinks, Girl Links, Boy Wiki, Boy Chat, Girl Chat, etc. mostly links are related to clarinet sites. If you love boy or girls related stuff (Video, Chat, Images), then explore the given link.
jdpskjmgy6kk4urv – Deep web links – Dark Web Links – Deep web links directory that have approx 100+ active links and alt.binaries. That alt.binaries have 100+ sub binaries and these binaries have images or pictures album. Direct alt.binaries access link is n2ha26oplph454e6picture.html
masterlistwtfzgt – Directory – Masterlist Alpha – Darkweb directory site where you can find available drugs listings and users can claim on his profile. That marketplace has more than 107290 listings, and these listings are associated with the darknet marketplace.
frienduwpvgdeu7ockjg7ckjrae6ul5tczlqurqmcspdrrq2zq53ysqd – Links Directory – Never Lonely- Never Lonely is a links’ directory that lists links to “chat sites”. These sites allow users to talk to one another anonymously on the Tor network. Automatically checks, and only displays “live” sites.
Tor Search Engine Links / Deep Web Links Directory Those are not working
skunkrdunsylcfqd/sites.html – Deep web links directory – The Intel Wiki – This .onion site has a good number of trusted deep web links, which every day are visited by most of the deep web users. But sometimes when I try to access this deep web link and I saw this dark web link is down. One more thing the Intel wiki also a forum that has a big number of threads, which has useful information about the deep web and trusted deep web links/dark web links.
auutwvpt25zfyncd – Tor Links Directory – OnionDir has more than 1200+ listed dark web sites, one better thing is here you can see on top how many dark net sites are live and how many deep web sites not and All .onions links are well categorized according to categories. For Example: If you are looking for hacking or drugs-related marketplace deep web links then you need to click on a required category and visit any deep web sites which you like.
darkcitw2mvcyae263eizgr2all3kjupqcjbttko2gf3ylugyu6ij4ad – Link Directory – Dark City – This is one of the most professional-looking darknet link directories I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t have many links. Also, it’s dedicated to “darknet markets”. No links of other kinds could be found. Sections for trusted markets, vendors, and a few other sites are available. Claims that the markets in the “trusted” section have been manually checked and verified.
dirnxldxoyajdetq – Deep Web Links – OnionDir – Deep Web Links Directory: this site have a good amount of deep web links, but when I try to visit the given links then I faced, most links are not working. I think this list was updated before a long time ago.
pdizimmrq5mwjkun – Deep Web Links – TorX: Same as other .onion links directory this site also has some listed deep web sites links, but mostly links are very old and are not working these days.
link2oeowhl73s7m – Deep Web Sites Links – Hot Spicy Onion List: this onion directory site also has listed links, but all listed links are not working, only drive on the blank page. Links are not updated since 2014.
n2ha26oplph454e6 – Deep Web Links – Dark Web Links-Usenet Server: This deep website have a good amount of picture library collection If you like nude or porn category pictures and video then here you can get a lot more. According to the website, the site does not have underage content but I found a lot more here.
wikitjerrta4qgz4 – Deep Web Links – The Hidden Wiki is the oldest and most trusted deep web links Directory which has all links into categorized forms.
Security Precautions
TOR Search engine links are one of the ripest, low-hanging scam fruits in existence. In simpler words, these are one of the easiest and most common places for people to get scammed.
E.g. when you search for a “Bitcoin Tumbler” on a search engine, a number of links come up. You’re never sure which platforms are trustworthy, and which aren’t.
Or, quite a few of the above-mentioned links are deep web link directories. As in, these aren’t exactly search engines rather a “list of links”. One single admin or a group controls these link directories. They’ve absolute control over which links to include, and what to write for their descriptions.
So it’s easy for scammers to set these link directories up, and list their own scam sites as trustworthy deep web marketplaces, Bitcoin escrow services etc.
The one caution you can exercise is to always start with “small amounts” if you’re dealing in any kind of financial transaction on the deep web (Escrow/ Marketplace / Bitcoin Mixer etc). If the transaction goes through, proceed with subsequently larger amounts but even then never the full amount all at once. This doesn’t nullify but sure minimizes the risks of you losing all your funds.
There isn’t much to lose on non-financial dark web sites. Although again, avoid using TOR without a proper VPN service as I’ve mentioned earlier as well. Just to keep your identity and actions anonymous.