TradeRoute Market review (Exit Scam in Oct 2017)

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Today we’re scribbling TradeRoute Market review considering the downfall of some of the most popular markets in the industry in recent times.

Those “popular markets” were somewhat dominating the industry, so the less-popular once were not getting enough exposure despite offering service and quality in all regards, and Trade Route is one such platform which is not coming out of the shadows.

TradeRoute Market Overview:

TradeRoute Market is a comparatively newer market to the other established ones, probably that’s why they’re pretty serious about their services resulting in a lot of positive reviews over the web, and among friends.

In fact, on a general overview, 95%+ reviews from individual buyers as well as vendors is positive, which is a great number for a deep web market as even the most popular markets have quite a bit of negative reviews.

  • TradeRoute Market total listings: 17,350 (as on 30.07.2017)
  • Primary URL: traderouteilbgzt
  • Universal Official Forum: tradeforumzkw4bk
  • New Registration: Open
  • MultiSig: YES
  • 2FA: Yes
  • Crypto Support: Bitcoins, Monero

Marketplace perform Exit scam on 12 Oct 2017

Also the fact that despite being just months old, it has already acquired 17,000+ listings, and some of the most trusted vendors on other markets have enlisted over there as well shows its growing trust and reputation in the market.

1). User-Experience: 5/5

User-experience is how easy, well-organized and overall browsing experience on any website is. This is the aspect which will decide if a user continues to browse the website, or hits the back button.

As far as TradeRoute Market goes, everything seems to be neat, well-placed and understandable.  They’ve kept up with the traditional deep web market layout with the listings on the left-sidebar and links to important sections on the top-bar.

The area just below the top-bar is devoted to a search-bar which is conveniently placed, and the rest of the space is utilised to show some of the most popular and most-selling listings on the marketplace.

The lower left-sidebar has another useful section which lists Top 10 Vendors. It ensures you can easily find the most trusted vendors on the platform without having to think twice about their reputation.

Their innovative browsing experience only reloads the “center-screen” when you click on the different categories from the left-sidebar and not the whole page, it really keeps things simple as well as helps boost page speed.

Another aspect worth mentioning is their auto-sliding sub-categorises element. Whenever we hover on any listing category which has sub-categories, it automatically slides down to show us the sub-categories without we needing to click on it.

2). Services and Goods Offered: 4/5

With 17,000+ listings already present on the marketplace it’s pretty “items-rich”, so unless you’re shopping for Nukes, chances are you’ll find what you’re looking for over here.

The most dominating product on TradeRoute, yeah you guessed it right, are Drugs! Although the marketplace doesn’t have a “drugs” section specifically.

Instead, it has all the drugs listed as individual categories and products, there are over 8500+ (that’s over 50% of total) TradeRoute’s listings for drugs encompassing various categories including:

  • Cannabis
  • Prescriptions
  • Steroids
  • Nootropics
  • Stimulants etc.

The second most highly populated item on TradeRoute Market is Digital Goods. This category has 5338 products to be exact, which translates to more than 25%+ of the market’s total listings!

The digital good section hosts anything and everything that can be delivered digitally, (online via the Internet without needing a physical shipment) to you.

It’s sub-categorised into various smaller divisions, “Information” holding the majority of listings (1165) which is followed by Ebooks (904) and then Erotica (641).

Other sub-categories include:

The information listings basically have information on how to forge a fake passport, how to get VISA approved and other such topics.

E-books grants you access to a number of premium E-books, while Erotica is made for 18+ content, such as Adult videos.

Another one of the most demanded commodities on any deep web market are products related to “Fraud” (824), the same is also available on TradeRoute Market. Anything and everything from stolen credit card details to a fake scan of an Oxford degree can be procured from this section.

Forgeries (282) is another listing on TradeRoute Market, and is actually similar to the “Fraud” listings, the only difference is you can find a wide-array of products under “fraud” but under Forgeries, it’s only fake documents.

After forgeries what attracts our attention is the services section, with 398 products currently on the marketplace, it’s not a very broad category and offers services like washing of cash, hacking and other related stuff.

There are other minor categories such as electronics and laboratories as well but have negligible listings and hence I’d leave those out for you to check for yourselves.

Finally, TradeRoute Market is product-rich and should cater to most of your needs, especially if you’re digging for Drugs or Digital goods.

3). Security: 3/5

Security is another ingredient which goes into the recipe of making a successful and trusted deep web market.

So here are some of the security protocols in place on TradeRoute Market to protect our identity, and provide us with anonymity.

  • PGP Encrypted Messages: It’s one of the simplest ways to encrypt your message so that no third-party can intercept the message and decrypt the contents of it. TradeRoute not only recommends PGP encryption, but also provides with an automated online checkbox which can be ticked to encrypt the messages.
  • 2 of 3 MultiSignature Transactions: It’s the golden nugget of Bitcoin transactions! In simpler words, there are 3 private keys in this kind of transactions, held each by the vendor, the seller, and the Marketplace individually. Atleast 2 keys are required for the transaction to go forward, so the chances of the vendor scamming you get pretty thin.
  • 2 of 2 MultiSig transactions: These aren’t as secure as 2 of 3 transactions, but even then provide a pretty good anti-scam infrastructure, these require the vendor and the marketplace’s keys in order to move the funds, what this means is the Vendor is not in complete control of the transactions and so you can’t be scammed. Unless the marketplace verifies that the trade has been a success no funds are transferred.
  • Auto-Logout: It’s a basic but handy security feature which automatically logs you out after couple minutes of inactivity on the website, it makes sure that in your absence no order is placed or your account is misused in any way.
  • Anti-Phishing Image: The login page has an image specified for your account, and you’re shown the image everytime before login, if the image changes it means you’re not on the official TradeRoute Market platform so it keeps phishing attacks at bay.

  • 2-Factor Authentication: Once you set a personal PGP key for your account, it can be used as the “key” to decrypt your 2-FA authentication message. Every time you login, you have to use the PGP key to decrypt a message and only then you’re granted access to the account.
  • Seller Authentication: You can authenticate how trusted or reputed a seller is by checking the “Secure Payment Available” seal on their profiles of product listings. TradeRoute Market also shows the total number of sales for a seller and the number of positive reviews, which acts as a pretty good yardstick to measure their authenticity.

The reason we’ve rated it 3/5 isn’t because it’s not “secure enough”, that it totally is, but just that when compared to the security protocols being offered by some of the other leading darknet markets, these fall short.

4). Search Functionality: 4/5

The search functionality on the platform is above-average to begin with. It let’s us choose from a “category” which lists all the available listings, and then there’s relevance scale based on price, rating, product date and so on.

It also let’s you manually specify the minimum and maximum price of the products you’re looking for, and then finally you can filter from the countries your product is shipping to and fro as well.

So yeah it’s pretty pin-pointed and helps you land on the product you’re searching for.

5). Currencies Accepted: 4/5

TradeRoute Market accepts Bitcoins, that’s like the “Traditional deep web currency” by now so yeah it does accept it. Pertaining to the obvious underlying benefits like anonymity and decentralized transactions.

But despite being a newer platform it has already started also accepting “Monero”! Now most deep web markets limit themselves to Bitcoins, TradeRoute Market didn’t!

And rumour has it that they’d soon also start accepting Dodge and other crypto-coins on the platform which is a good sign.

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TradeRoute Market Pros and Cons:


  • Simple and neat user-interface.
  • Good enough security protocols.
  • Accepts currencies other than Bitcoin as well (Monero).


  • Product listings need to be expanded.

Final Verdict: 4/5

So that’s a wrap as far as this TradeRoute Market review goes folks. Talking of my own personal experiences, the transactions are pretty smooth, the products are satisfactory, and the F.A.Q is well documented as well.

It would be harsh to compare TradeRoute Market which is still an infact to the fully-developed markets like Alphabay , Hansa Market, and Dream Market in terms of security or listings, so from a neutral viewpoint, I’d say TradeRoute Market has over-delivered already.

So yeah it’s an overall 4/5 for us, although we would love to hear your feedback and experience on the platform as well.

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Note: There I am sharing my thought about the marketplace, I am not involved any type selling or buying service on this marketplace, also I am not recommending you to sell or buy. This article only for your information.