How to Access the Deep Web Complete Guide

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If you’re on this page, you’re here hunting for ways and methods for how to access the deep web? Aren’t you?

Luckily for you, we’ve dedicated nearly half a decade of our lives and a lot of efforts into making this website a solution to exactly those kind of problems.

Although if you’re asking that particular question, then I presume you haven’t ever accessed the Deep web, so I’ll make this guide as detailed and elaborate as possible covering every nook and cranny that the alleys of the deep web hold.

Note: Now exploring the deep web or the darkweb may also count under “illegal activities”, even if you aren’t involved in any type of illegal activities. This is why if you want to learn about the deep web, here you can find every bit of information about it. Meaning, you shouldn’t go exploring especially if you aren’t sure of your actions being completely legal. If you use given information for any illegal activity, only you are responsible for your actions.

Table of Content:

What is The Deep Web?

Trust me, whatever you think you know, probably isn’t right. The deep web is one of the most misunderstood terms in the history of the Internet.

No, deep web isn’t that red-eyed monster which attacks governments and kills people as the media portrays it to be.

It’s a just a part of the internet, that’s not indexed; as simple as that. It’s called the deep web because it’s not discoverable on the surface web.

So in other words, “the part of the internet which isn’t indexed by conventional search engines (Google/Yahoo/Bing, etc.) is called the Deep web.” (And it’s legal, check out the last section of this guide for further explanation!)

Also note that the internet used by most people comprises of only 5-10% (source: Curiosity) of the actual internet, while the other 90% is dominated by this deeper part of the web we’re talking about.

Unfortunately, it’s quite often confused with the dark web, which is a completely different version of it altogether so let’s clear that up as well.

Difference Between The Deep Web and The Dark Web

Before you learn how to access the deep web, it’s important to learn the very important difference between the deep web and dark web.

The deep web as I said above is just “non-indexed content”, so it may contain databases, user records, your bank details, some employee records, backups, government files (not too confidential maybe, but just not indexed) are all part of the deep web.

Search engines don’t index private or unnecessary information, and whatever’s not indexed comes under the deep web.

Here’s an example of content which can be called deep web content. Any material which is password protected, highly encrypted or just restricted for search engines to index is deep web content, and I hope that’s clear.

One major misconception in today’s world is, the deep web can only be accessed on the Tor network, well that’s not true. As you can see with the above example, you can access it even on your general browsers.

And even on Tor, I2P, Freenet, a significant part of the deep web is actually legal (refer to the last section of this guide on how to access the deep web).

While as for the dark web, it’s a smaller part of the deep web, but it’s what most people refer to when they’re talking of the “big bad part of the internet,” and that’s exactly what the dark web is.

The dark web is basically where all the “bad” stuff actually resides, bad things as in Child Pornography, Darknet Markets which let you buy drugs, weapons, guns, etc., Red rooms which stream live torture, rape, and murder and everything else.

Unlike the deep web, which also exists on the clearnet; the dark web is solely on the “onion network,” an anonymous, decentralized network which can be accessed using the Tor browser.

These are exclusively on the onion network because the network is not govt. controlled or regulated and hence is the perfect place for all those illegal activities that the darkweb holds.

Because the darkweb exists on the onion network, it doesn’t have the typical .com/.net/.org kind of URLs and instead has a .onion extension.

Any and all content on the onion network, with .onion extension, is deep web content. So, the deep web is like the “overall” entity, which has a smaller fraction, a part which is darker and evil and is called the dark web.

Bottomline, all of the dark web is deep web, but not all of the deep web is dark (neither illegal).

Difference Between Darknet Markets and Deep Web

To learn how to access the Deep web, you need to know the difference between Darknet markets and the deep web, so you’re sure of what you’re getting into.

Let me briefly discuss what’s the difference between Darknet markets and the deep web.

We recently did an ultra-detailed post on “darknet markets” as well, but anyway the “darknet market” is the major part of dark web.

Darknet markets are what let you buy/sell illegal goods, download unlawful/pirated software, order hits on people (yes, it’s a real thing), and do everything else which the deep web is accused of.

So, any illegal market on the deep web is darknet, a small part of the deep web that is, while there’s a good and positive side to the rest of the deep web.

Also, darknet markets can only be accessed on the Tor network, and quite often need an “invite code” for you to join them.

While the deep web can’t be “joined” as it’s not a single site or organization, rather many “unindexed webpages” and can be accessed on the clearnet as well, although its significant part to exists on the Tor network.

What Can You Find on The Deep Web?

Eventually, I’ll walk you through the guide on how to access the deep web accurately, but before that, I’m just trying to give you as clear a conception of the “deep web” as possible.

You need to understand that, everything you can find on the “Darkweb” is a part of the deep web, so technically we can say that all the drugs, weapons and credit cards, illegal porn, data dumps, document fraud which can be purchased on the dark web are a part of the deep web.

But, if you’re talking solely, exclusively and uniquely of the “deep web,” in that case, it just consists of data which “isn’t indexed on a search engine”. And this data can be ANYTHING.

For e.g, there may be “whistleblowing sites” which you can use to expose powerful people, there are sites which let you watch legal videos, legal music etc without tracing or tracking you on the deep web as well.

Or there may be attendance records of politicians for the senate which isn’t exactly “confidential” but isn’t available on search engines.

There are blogs which are run by “cults” such as flat-Earthers for an example, now people don’t wish to generally publicly identify themselves as members of those cults, right? And that’s where the deep web helps them.

So basically you can find documents, files, information on the deep web which is hidden from search engines, but isn’t necessarily “super confidential or nuclear codes”.

You should totally check out the “Legal websites on the Deep web” section of this guide to get a better example of what’s available on the deep web.

How to Access The Deep Web Step By Step

Quick process:

  1. Install VPN software on your PC, must use NordVPN (Onion over VPN specially dedicated for the deep web)
  2. Install Tor Browser Bundle on the computer.
  3. Login your NordVPN software with right username or password.
  4. Connect your computer to any Onion Over VPN server, If connected then go to next step.
  5. Run your Tor Browser, when successfully opened tor Browser then type any onion URL, you can find any category onion urls from site homepage.
  6. Done.

For detailed step by step process and all the recommended guidelines/precautions, do follow the following steps:-

You already know when you’re surfing the internet, every website tracks your IP address. They already know who you are, and where you live.

If you are accessing the internet using Tor browser + NordVPN software, you’re literally untraceable. Your location, browsing habits and everything else is not only hidden (via Tor) but also encrypted (via the VPN). The reason being, Tor + VPN create double-layered privacy and encryption for you.

The Tor Browser hide your all network traffic by Tor routing which changes your IP address. And then, NordVPN provides iron-clad encryption and again changes your IP address making it untraceable.

Why NordVPN?

My personal favorite is NordVPN VPN Service, it’s one of the best VPN services; I’ll tell you why, it offers Zero log policy and this has been audited and verified by independent third-parties.

This means that the VPN “can’t” keep logs. Did you know most VPNs do keep logs despite their No-logs policy? That’s a legal requirement in most cases, unless they’re based in countries such as Panama, which is exactly where NordVPN is headquartered at.

It also includes multiple protocol support, unlimited bandwidth, ultra-fast speed server, App and Internet Kill Switch, TCP or UDP protocol Support, Customization DNS support, 61 Country and 3600 Server Support etc.

I also love NordVPN because we all know TOR browser reduces speed. That’s natural, considering all the routing the traffic goes through.

In that case, almost all other VPNs only add to that speed loss. Because VPNs route the traffic independently as well, and there’s added encryption.

However, NordVPN truly is the fastest VPN out there. (You can read our detailed NordVPN review here).

And, they also recently implemented the Wireshark protocol which just skyrocketed the already impressive speed.

It also is the only quality VPN which offers “onion over VPN“, a protocol designed specifically for accessing the deep web.

It also offers its services in highly censored regions/countries. On top of that, there’s the “30 day money-back guarantee” guaranteeing you wouldn’t lose your money.

It’s not just about the Deep web either, you can even unblock Netflix, protect your E-mails and overall privacy. Sure, you can go with any other VPN you feel for, but as far as deep web goes, there truly isn’t a better or even cheaper alternative.

Get NordVPN today 70% OFF Now 3 Year Subscription only $3.49/Month

Here’s how to setup the VPN step by step. First of all, download it from the website. Once you get the setup, double-click on it and click on “Run.”

How to access Deep web

Then, choose the location where you’d want to install NordVPN and click “Install.”

How to access Deep web

Another permissions dialogue box would pop up, just click “run” to grant permission (again).

The installation is now complete, now login your NordVPN software with a valid Email address or password.

Update: February 2021- They’ve made major changes to their login process. Once you’ve installed the VPN,run the app and click on “login”.

How to access the dark web

It then would launch your default browser. A login page would be displayed. Enter your username or email address and password on the browser page.


Then you should return to the app, and click on login again. Once again, you’ll be redirected to your browser. However, this time around, it’ll automatically show you your account. Simply click on the account you wish to use for logging in.

access dark web

And then your browser would ask your permissions to run NordVPN. Simply allow that and the VPN would launch.

When you login to NordVPN for the first time, it asks you to optionally enable CybeSec. It’s one of Nord’s newest features which blocks ads, malware, viruses and other such harmful content. You can (and should) enable it, however note it’s not mandatory and can be skipped (not recommended).

How to access Deep web

Anyway, the next screen should look like this. It simply is the primary NordVPN interface.

How to access Deep web

Now it’s time we establish a VPN connection. Here is a detailed Example: I’ll be connecting to “Greece”. The easiest way to do so, is to simply click on “Greece” either from the country list on the left-sidebar, or click on the map-marker of Greece on the screen. The VPN would then automatically connect to the fastest server from Greece.

However, if you’d like to select a specific server in Greece, you can click on the three dots just next to a country’s name, which would bring up the entire server-list, and you can choose one from the list instead.

How to access Deep web

There are various indicators which indicate once your connection is successful. For e.g. your VPN-country will be colored “Green”, the VPN will display a “Connected tab” and there may also be a notification on your Taskbar.

How to access Deep web

Apart from all this, for maximum and guaranteed security, I’d advise you to go to Google and search for “What is my IP Address“. Make sure the IP address and region being displayed is not of your native/real country and instead is that of the country you selected on the VPN.

So we’re done with the VPN, let’s get another extremely important privacy tool “Tor Browser Bundle.”

Installing Tor is easy enough as well, download the setup > double click > install. No harder than installing any game. Here’s the step by step process.

Download Tor from the above link, once download click on the setup.

How to access the Deep web

Tor browser would then ask you to choose a language for the browser, make your choice.

How to access the Deep web

Specify the installation folder for Tor on the next screen.

How to access the Deep web

Tor would then be installed in a couple seconds. The next screen would ask you to Run Tor browser and/or Add it to start menu, make your choices and click Finish.

How to access the Deep web

This would install tor in your system. When you run Tor, it would ask you to either “Connect” or “Configure“. Clicking on Connect is the fastest and simplest way to land on the Deep/Dark web.

How to access the Deep web

Once you’ve installed Tor, you need to amp up its security before accessing the deep web, and here’s how to do it.

Update 20th September, 2019- Tor earlier had a different set of steps required to increase its security, here are the updated steps for the same.

On the extreme right of the Tor browser, you should notice a “Shield” icon. Click on it.

How to access the Deep web

Then click on “Advanced Security Settings“.

How to access the Deep web

And finally, just choose “Safest” from the list of options available.

How to access the Deep web

Note: Quite often, users seem to complain that they aren’t able to watch videos when their Tor browser has the “safest” level enabled, In this case, a user needs to reset the setting to Safer or standard. But you can disable “safest” level when you really do trust the onion site you’re about to visit.

It’s the highest level of security that you can make use of while using Tor, although, for details on these options and learning how to use Tor, you can refer to our detailed Tor guide.

So armed with the OS + Tor + NordVPN, I bet there’s almost no one, no agency, not even the NSA which can penetrate your encryption and get your real-life identity.

VPN(Virtual Private Network) + Tor Browser both can make double layer security, which doesn’t leave any week security hole.

Now you also need to focus some quick points before exploring the deep web.

  1. Unplug your all external devices like portable Camera, Printer, Smartphone and cover your laptop camera
  2. Close all running application at the time of deep web access.
  3. First, run NordVPN software before tor browser
  4. Must configure NordVPN (Internet Kill Switch, App Kill Switch Setting, invisibility on LAN), all setting should be active, these setting you can find under Settings option in the NordVPN software. like below given screenshot.

How to access the Deep web

  1. If you are using Windows 10, then first fix Windows 10 privacy problem, for more information must read “Windows 10 Privacy Fix.”
  2. When you are registering your profile on most of the deep web sites then always use fake second identity (Don’t use any physical related information)
  3. Must use PGP Encrypted email services like or and any other onion email service for more information check out best anonymous email services.
  4. If you want to buy anything on the dark web and don’t know how to order on the dark web stores, I have another article where I descrive all things about how you can protect you, check out quick review points of article “best credit cards black market“.

So now you’re ready to finally access the deep web!

Now that you know how to access the deep web, let me tell you how to construct working onion links using the “red color link string” or “Bold Link Text“.

But first, let me tell you why we removed all direct links and only left the “red colored text strings” now. There has been a lot of legal backlash on the Deep/dark web recently. A lot of users misuse the links that are shared on the clearnet. It leads to illegal activities.

Hence we decided to refrain from sharing any direct links which otherwise at times from a legal perspective may mean we too are involved in Darknet activities. Which we clearly aren’t.

That’s the reason we changed all direct links to red text strings.

If you are not using a VPN service do not access the deep web, these days authorities are a lot more aggressive towards such types of actions.

Suppose you wish to access Facebook on the darkweb, and Facebook’s red color text string is “facebookcorewwwi then you can create working link by using the following steps:

Formula for Link Creation:

http://(Put Red String or Bold Text).onion

For Example:

http://facebookcorewwwi.onion # This is a working Onion Link, You can put that link in your Tor Browser.

Formula 2, If link have big URL:

Users need to put .onion before the first “/” and leave the remaining URL exactly the same.

For Example: demo/go/chan/login.php

then working URL will be http://demo.onion/go/chan/login.php

Hope this helps you understand how to access the hidden internet place. Note that now we do not have any direct onion or dark web links.

Disclaimer: If you use any red-string/text found on this website in any illegal (or legal) activity, it’ll solely be your own responsibility. We do not host any dark web content neither do we encourage it. You at all times on this website are bound by our legal disclaimer.

How to Find Deep Web Sites?

Here again, I believe you wish to access the dark web because as far as the general “deep web” is concerned, you can simply go to any website and access any of its page which is password protected, or not listed on the search engine, and that’s the deep web.

So to access the deeper part of the deep web termed as Dark web; or the black market websites, first of all make sure you’re connected to your NordVPN with Onion Over VPN Server, double check it, and then fire up Tor browser. Note: You also can connect any other available server ( Anti DDoS, Dedicated IP, Double VPN, P2P). These servers also serving military-grade encryption.

How to access the Deep web

Now any URL you enter on the browser’s URL bar with .onion extension is basically a deep web site, but you’ll need those URLs to begin with, right?

I suppose because you’re reading this piece on how to find the deep websites? That’s why you don’t have any deep web URLs as of now.

So the best answer to “how to find deep web sites” as well is this deep web sites links directory. Before couple days ago just filter 125+ deep web links these all working since from a long time, that post has all popular categories links.

We enlisted 24 illegal and forbidden market websites and 30 Best Tor Sites in the directory and the reason why I say it’s the “best” place to start is because unlike the Hidden Wiki which too is a good place, all the links on this directory are up, we tested before listing them while that’s not always the case with the Hidden Wiki.

The second good place is this site homepage where I listed all popular categories onion links but in some cases, many tor links won’t up. But you can access working the deep web links, for links information hit on links directory listing over 100 deep web sites.

It has links to various categories, and even though not all of them are always online, some of those are.

There also are deep web search engines! These search engines themselves are on the deep web, and index deep web pages so you can use them as well to find deep web sites.

You can directly go over there, and type terms such as “drugs” and here’s a glimpse of what they bring up:

One last desperate place to look for Deep Web links is “ads”! Beware though, quite often they’re full of scam artists and scam websites. But, that is the case with almost all Deep/Dark web links, you can’t ever guarantee legitimacy.

Anyway, when you’re on other Deep/Dark web sites, for e.g. Search Engines, you may see ads. The following screenshot is from “Torch” search engine.

How to access the Deep Web

All of those banners are links to dark websites. Some are selling cards, some are marketplaces, some guide-selling links etc. You sure can click on them and they’ll directly take you to those sites.

But again, you never know which links to trust and which not to. The only reason it’s being listed here is it still is one of the ways users can find Deep/Dark web links. Even some of the links we find are found similarly; we obviously do not have contact with the Admins / owners of the platforms we post about.

Using Kilos to find Darkweb sites

Kilos: dnmugu4755642434

Generally, when talking of the deep web, we’re referring to the dark web.

Kilos is a dark web search engine.

It exclusively and solely indexes drug-products.

Note that it doesn’t only show us “websites”.

Rather, directly the “products” listed on various marketplaces and forums.

Even using Kilos may be illegal. It’s not, but it’s pretty close to it.

Hence, I’d recommend you not to use it.

If you do, it’ll solely be your own responsibility.

Anyway, on the Kilos website, solve the Captcha to gain access.

How to find dark web sites

You’ll be seeing a number of filters.

How to find dark web sites 2

using these, any user can filter his/her query for:

  • A keyword
  • Minimum-maximum price.
  • Display price: The currency in which the the user can most easily understand the price.
  • Shipping source and destination.
  • Product class (Physical/digital).
  • Payment currency (BTC/LTC/XMR or BCH).

The search engine then shows the exact products and links to them.

The official Subreddit for Darknet markets is also one of the options to find dark web sites.

But , the only problem is you don’t know which markets or links to trust, and which are pure scam. Looking all popular deep web subreddit links then visit that link.

You can also manually ask for the links to such sites on their official subreddits, or any other Reddit related to the deep web, as long as you’ve kept your identity safe and aren’t using your real name.

Although note Reddit is ripe with scammers. Simply because anyone can post a link to any site offering any kind of service, and scam you for money. It’s best to stay away from clicking on any direct links posted on Reddit.

So I believe that answers your questions regarding how to access the Deep web and also how to find deep web sites, doesn’t it? Now let’s answer some other related issues.

Blog posts that you should check for active dark web links:

How to Find Alternative Links for Dead Deep Web Links?

As a complete guide on how to access the deep web, I believe this question too should be answered, don’t you?

Yes, the onion links on the deep web aren’t always live for a lot of reasons, but luckily for us, it’s not that hard finding their alternatives.

Note: On the, I always update new onion links if some tor links are not working, in this case; that type links may works after some time because some admin makes live his website for the specific time. The reason is security, Are you still want to explore similar sites then you may check available alternatives links. Still, you are not able to found any alternative links then you may try the below-given technique.

In the case of “Darknet Markets” (Tor marketplaces) almost always the market itself has “mirror links” either on its homepage or user dashboard, here’s an example:

How to access dark web

In case the mirrors aren’t listed, or you aren’t trying to find alternate links for a darknet market but any other deep web site, you can use the following Google Dork

Site name + subreddit Note: We have listed all popular darknet markets mirror links in his review article

E.g. I searched for Dream Market + Subreddit, and on the official subreddit, I got enough threads with a working link. Sometimes the subreddit itself has “alternate links” listed on the right-sidebar so yeah those can be tried as well.

You can even join our Facebook Group and leave us a comment/direct message there with the name of the site whose link you need, and we will try our best to get it to you.

So hey that gets the dead links covered, now let’s move on to probably the most important question for this whole guide on how to access the Deep web.

Is Accessing the Deep Web Illegal?

No, it’s not. Dark web is what’s illegal. Wait, I’ll explain.

If you understand the deep web and you’re sure that you’re on the “deep web” only, meaning the clearnet part of the deep web which has unindexed web pages, it’s not illegal.

Or, if you’re accessing any of the legal deep web links (some examples are listed below) those too are 100% legal.

Then again, you have to be sure that you’re not accessing anything which you shouldn’t have access to, e.g. there may be a login page, and it’s not indexed which does make it “deep web” content but if you brute force your way in with the password, yes then it’s illegal.

Dark Web on the other hand, which lets you buy/sell products, hire killers and what not is totally illegal. Although even then, simply “browsing” the dark web too can’t land you in jail, but you better not give them reasons to suspect, right?

In a nutshell, the Deep Web in itself isn’t illegal; it’s just a network for security and privacy-conscious people. It’s only illegal when you venture into the dark web and commit some unlawful action there(such as downloading child porn / buying drugs Fake documents, gadgets, games, weapons, credit cards and debit cards dumps, counterfeit bills, etc.) which when committed on the deep web are illegal.

Bottom line, simply browsing the deep web isn’t illegal, taking part in anything illegal in any way, is illegal, I hope you’ve got the idea!

Still interested and want to read full detail article about Is it Illegal to Access the Deep Web?

Is any and all trade illegal on the dark web?

The deep web is mostly legal, I hope that’s established by now? What about the dark web? Will you be jailed just for registering on a darknet market? Or, are any and all purchases illegal on a darknet market?

Not necessarily. Any darknet market is just an e-commerce website. Sure, they mostly sell illegal goods. However, it’s important to note that it’s not “always” illegal to buy/sell on the dark web.

I’ve seen vendors sell guides on how to get verified on Instagram, or how to make money (rarely known but legitimate tips) and other similar products. Buying these products isn’t illegal because the products themselves are completely legal, right?

So, two scenarios need to be paid attention to when trading on the dark web. First, you need to be 100% sure that the product/service you’re purchasing is legal, obtained via legal sources and isn’t a stolen or illegally obtained item. Secondly, the Bitcoins you pay with must be legally obtained.

If these two conditions are met, it doesn’t matter where you buy an item from you wouldn’t be in legal trouble in most cases. Obviously, it’s best to always use a VPN + a Bitcoin Mixer for all and any darknet trades.

Some Legal Sites on the Deep Web

When I said the Deep Web is legal I meant it, in fact, some major companies including Facebook have deep web versions of their sites.

This indicates that deep web isn’t illegal and can be safely accessed and used as long as no illegal action is committed on the deep web.

Deep Web was created for people who are privacy and security conscious and would like to exercise rights such as free speech or expose corruption without bringing harm to themselves.

So it’s 100% legal, as long as you’re exclusively on the “deep web” and aren’t doing anything illegal. Here are some legal deep web sites which aren’t only legal, but also have won prestigious prizes such as the Pulitzer for their vigilance.

So here are some answers for how to access the deep web, or better yet, how to access legal sites on the deep web.

a. ProPublica

Website: https://www.propub3r6espa33w.onion/

ProPublica is a journalism website which owns the Pulitzer and is funded by some very (very) rich organizations.

b. Facebook

Website: https://www.propub3r6espa33w.onion/

If you’d rather be anonymous and not get your data indexed on search engines, you can use this deep web version of Facebook.

c. Bits from Debian

Website: http://jdc4ypp6vpcvqute.onion/

It’s a Blog from the Debian project. Contributing may get users maintenance privileges and even roles as Debian developers.

d. BBC

Website: https://www.bbcnewsv2vjtpsuy.onion/

The official Tor site for BBC. Can be used to watch the news. Although would require disabling Tor-scripts, most images and videos wouldn’t be displayed if scripts are disabled.

e. Webpage Archive

Website: http://archivecaslytosk.onion

It’s a web-achieve of the Onion network. Webpage snapshots can be accessed even after the actual website goes down. Supports multiple versions of search queries. Can also be used to manually archive your website.

f. Sci-Hub

Website: http://scihub22266oqcxt.onion/

The world is a centralized organization (Wow, that turned into a great quote actually!). Anyway, what Sci-Hub does is, make it decentralized.

It grants you access to some of the most premium, proven, hardcore scientific papers, for free!

The point of me listing all these legal deep web sites is to prove that the deep web isn’t illegal, it’s a more “liberal” kind of Internet, the way internet was supposed to be.

g. SecureDrop

Website: http://secrdrop5wyphb5x.onion/

Secure Drop is a drop-site for whistleblowers. In other words, you can share documents, files, and other data which can expose govt. agencies, corrupt politicians and others of the like.

It isn’t possible on the Clearnet for obvious reasons. Would you just E-mail potentially-exposing documents about your President to the media? Yes, I didn’t think so.

Secure Drop also has personalized addresses for some of the biggest media outlets, including The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Intercept etc. It’s completely legal to browse, and even use Secure Drop. There are no “legal actions” which can be taken against you for exposing someone or something.

h. IIT Underground Tunnels

Website: http://62gs2n5ydnyffzfy.onion

One of the most interesting legal darkweb links so far. It basically proves the existence of a number of service tunnels under The Illinois Institute of Technology. The university doesn’t acknowledge the existence of these Tunnels and that actually is what makes it all the more interesting.

The site provides real photographs taken by (probably) a student. He/she also provides about the details of each tunnel. Furthermore, a number of precautions and requests regarding explorations of these tunnels is also shared.

There also is a basic yet pretty well-detailed map which can be printed and used while actually exploring the tunnels! Again, completely legal to browse and use.

I’ll sum this “how to access the deep web” guide up shortly, after answering one more common question that arises with the deep web.

How to Filter Good Deep Web Sites from Bad?

As you’re reading this how to access the deep web guide, I suppose you’re new to this so let me help you out, so you don’t land yourselves in trouble.

Good deep web sites simply mean sites which are legal and safe to use or won’t scam you.

Bad deep web sites are actually “dark web sites” which are either illegal and are pure scams.

The easiest way is to check what the site is offering. If it’s merely a blog, a search engine or anything else which isn’t delivering any illegal content (such as buying selling of weapons, or leaking question papers to some exams or asking for any personal or financial details) it is a legal and good deep web site so to say.

On the other hand, all “darknet markets” are illegal, so if it’s selling anything,”it’ll probably be illegal.

Or if you’re using something like a Bitcoin tumbler, or anything else which “may” scam you, you can check its legitimacy by a simple Google search (sitename + reviews), or check its “reddit” (sitename + subreddit). There you’ll find real people sharing their experience about the site so it’ll help you decide if you wish to proceed or not.

Note that in all our time of strolling the alleys of the Dark web, we’ve found more scams than legitimate sites. Regardless of what a darkweb website sells, it most often is either a long-term or a short-term con/scam.

Also, all Darknet platforms require “advance deposits” from users. Be it Bitcoin Tumblers, Darknet Markets, info-sharing sites, credit cards market or anything else.

As a result, those platforms always have an upper hand on any transaction. Even the most established marketplaces such as Wall-Street markets exit-scammed. They either do this when there’s enough cash in their wallets, or when Law enforcement agencies are getting closer. And they’ve got the law on their side, as in the law won’t help you when things go wrong with these platforms.

In essence, there’s no true way to find a “good (trustworthy) illegal dark web site” which is not exactly a bad thing. As for the “good sites” those are mostly informative and do not require any kind of funds/money and that’s an indication by itself.

Although note that even “no-money requiring” dark web sites may be illegal, such as those sharing illegal porn and should be avoided at all cost.


How to Access the Deep Web on Android

These days more than 60% internet users use the internet on their smartphone devices like an Android and iOS operating system based devices. But if you are Android users and want to know how to access the deep web on Android, then this section will help you.

Why Users Prefer to Use a Smartphone to Access the Deep Web?

Everyone knows, Smartphone is a portable device, and we can easily access the internet with the help of smartphone anywhere anytime. But like the normal Internet, you can’t access the deep web on Android by Tor browser because Tor browser bundle is not available for Android devices.

Now, the main question is “how to access the deep web on Android” and the answer is very simple, we have some other applications which work like Tor browser on the Android smartphone.

Application names that you need to download and install on your Android phone before accessing the deep web, are below:

1). Nord VPN Apps
2). Orbot: Proxy with Tor

How to Access the Deep Web on Android – Step by Step Guide

Here I am guiding you, the whole process to access the deep web on Android with the screenshot. Only you need to follow below given every step.

Step 1: You already know, deep web is the hidden place on the internet which is hidden from the search engine, then privacy is the first priority for every dark web users before accessing the deep web. This is the main reason, First, use any premium VPN service for making your privacy more strong and untraceable.

In this tutorial, I am using Nord VPN because NordVPN offers Onion Over VPN Server which is dedicated to onion routing, these service transfer you all internet traffic from anonymous routes. NordVPN fully dedicated to privacy or anonymity because that offers internet kill switch, app kill switch, Zero log policy, DNS leak protection with ultra-fast internet speed.

Get NordVPN today 70% OFF Now 3 Year Subscription only $3.49/Month

Note: If you do not have any premium VPN then you can choose any best fit VPN service from my Best VPN services list.

I have installed NordVPN app on my Android smartphone If you don’t then first visit this app download link, Download app and install on your smartphone.

After successful installation, you can see NordVPN shortcut icon at your smartphone home screen like as given below.

How to access Deep web

Now run NordVPN app, and when you tap the Nordvpn app icon, then you will get a screen like below, on that screen you will get two options, one is login and second is sign up.

How to access darknet market

In order to Login, you’d need premium NordVPN access. If you do have a NordVPN subscription, click on Login and enter your login credentials.

How to access Deep web

Note: If you don’t have a premium subscription of NordVPN then you need to tap on “Signup >(Enter valid e-mail/and a desired Password)>Create Account“ Button. And buy premium NordVPN access according to your choice.

How to access Deep web

Once you’ve logged in to NordVPN, just like its PC version, it’d ask you to enable Cybersec which I’d recommend you do.

How to access Deep web

Now it’s time to select any one VPN server for internet connection, for server selection you need to go to the Bottom, there you can see multiple options (P2P, Onion Over VPN, Double VPN, Dedicated IP) servers. You can either choose a specialty server from the Specialty servers section as shown below).

How to access Deep web

Or, you can slide down which would bring up the entire country-list for you to choose from. You can choose any specific country to connect to from this list.

How to access Deep web

You can tap on the “gear” icon just next to a country’s name to get access to the entire server-list for that specific country. Anyway, either choose a country or a server within a country and tap on it.

How to access Deep web

Your device would ask permission to connect to a VPN, tap on OK.

How to access Deep web

If the connection is successful, the VPN-interface would turn “Green” on the top, as well as the country will be highlighted in Green and you’d see a “Disconnect” button instead of “Connect” as was appearing earlier.

How to access Deep web


Tor was recently launched for Android devices officially. So while the rest of this guide is still completely relevant, using the official Tor browser for Android is just a better option.

You can download Tor either from:

Launch the Tor browser for Android, once downloaded, it’ll present you with a “Connect” button. You’ll then get progression messages, such as “bootstrapped 12%…doing X-Y-Z 75%..and so on”. Just wait a couple seconds till it reaches 100%.

Once done, Tor would be launched. You’ll get a screen as follows:

how to access the deep web 2

Click on the three vertical lines on the top-right corner and choose “Security Settings”.

How to access the deep web

(Tor for Android doesn’t allow “Screenshots” and hence we had to capture a photo of the screen).

Then, simply slide the slider to the “Safest” option.

how to access the deepdark web 4

Done! Simply use the URL bar on the top to access any website (both Clearnet and .onion) as you do with any other browser.

Note that some .onion websites only work well with their Desktop versions, primarily Darknet markets and others. While we do not encourage or support visiting such sites, you may do so for research or just out of curiosity.

Anyway, if the website is not being displayed correctly. You can click on those three vertical dots and select “Request Desktop site”. This would bring up the desktop version of all the sites that you visit. Either way, this is how you access the deep web on mobile using Tor.

In case you’d still use Orbot, here’s how to do it. (Orbot was the primary way to access the deep web before the official Tor for Android was launched).

Step 2: For this second step, you need to download an app called “ORBOT” to your Android device and install on your Android Mobile.

For downloading the app you need to visit, and type “Orbot proxy with Tor” into app search box.

Or directly you can click on this direct app download link, and download this app into your device. After successful installation, you’d see the Orbot icon on your Android homescreen.

Launch the app by tapping on it.

Like most apps, Orbot would like to take you on a tour of itself, however you can simply slide-right (or tap on the arrow button) to skip the tour.

How to access Deep web

This is what the Orbot welcome-interface looks like. You should tap on the “VPN Mode” slider on the screen.

How to access Deep web

It would ask you to let Orbot connect to a VPN as well, and again simply click on OK.

How to access Deep web

Here you need to configure some setting as you can saw on the display, VPN Mode, VPN Country Name, Tor Enable Apps (Recommended).

Even though tapping on VPN Mode initiates Device-wide VPN protection, you can also click on the gear icon just next to the “Full Device VPN” text.

How to access Deep web

And then choose the apps you’d like to route via Tor. For e.g. your browser(s), Messaging apps etc.

How to access Deep web

Once it’s all done simply tap on the big Onion button to finally get the app running. It’ll turn green indicating successful connection.

How to access Deep web

3). To explore the deep web, You need an internet browser and deep web links. Here I am using Google Chrome browser for onion link access.

For updated deep web or dark web links, you can visit This website has more than 3000+ active deep web links.

Here I am looking search engine links that offer searching service like the Google, Bing, Yahoo or etc, that’s hitting click on the deep web search engine links. On that page found some active onion search engine links and one links is related to Ahmia search engine.

Now I clicking on Ahmia search engine link “msydqstlz2kzerdg”, and link opened in a new tab, here is my Ahemia site screenshot.

If you have the same screen like me, then you are ready to explore more onion links. Even on a PC, simply fire up your VPN + Tor browser, and enter the URL you’re trying to access. Let’s checkout another link, I am trying to access one of the most popular darknet markets Empire Market link.

How to access empire market

Hope this demo tutorial ” how to access the deep web ” proving helpful and you can easily setup you deep web access environment into your Android Mobile. Let’s enjoy deep web anytime anywhere.

Sites to completely avoid on Deep/Dark web

We’ve had a long discussion on the legalities of the deep web.

The crux of that discussion is, you should outright avoid certain sites on the dark web.

The two primary types of sites to avoid are:

  • Red Rooms.
  • Illegal Porn.
  • Hitman sites

It’s surprisingly easy to find yourself on either one of these.Even search engines, link directories, and news sites can be seen advertising for these. Sure, most of these are scams. But, note that it’s a crime to even be on one of these sites.

Red Rooms are basically rooms which claim to stream live rape and torture. This is extremely illegal and you shouldn’t even search for these sites. If you think it’s just a myth, do read our article on Daisy destruction. We’ve documented the entire case of this publicly verified Red Room.

Illegal porn may illegal any type of porn that’s without the consent of either of the involved parties. It may constitute rape or even consensual (ignorant) sex with underage individuals.

Fortunately, most sites claiming to offer one of these two media content generally ask for advance payments, not cheap which restricts innocent users like you just stumbling across them.

Finally, hitman for hire sites too should be avoided. These aren’t as illegal as the ones we just discussed, however, fall in the same league. Being one these sites may be used as an “intent to harm someone”.

Scroll down to read how to secure your funds and personal identity if and when you do find yourself on any of these dark web sites.

You do not need to purchase/make a trade. Conscious browsing of any of these two types of sites is illegal.Almost everything else isn’t as illegal, but these three are. Sometimes, darkweb trolls design such websites just to blackmail you.

And that’s another reason why I recommend using a VPN along with TOR.

Note that you choosing to ignore this advise, and lingering on such extremely illegal sites will 100% be your own responsibility.

Fund security on the deep/dark web

The deep web is heavily dependent on payments, primarily in Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies.

Quite often, you’ll be required to make payments, in advance, both for legal and illegal (don’t) reasons.

You need to understand that majority of these TOR darkweb sites are scams.

Hence, you may end up losing whatever funds you send over.

But, more importantly, it’s important that you protect your primary Bitcoin wallet.

Some of these groups/admins do have the technical know-how to trace your funds back to the wallet, and empty it out.

Furthermore, you also need protection from law enforcement agencies, right? (Even when you’re not doing anything illegal). You may just wish to remain anonymous.

In either of the cases mentioned above, it’s important that you use a Bitcoin mixer to mix your funds before sending them over.

The mixer will de-link the coins from the originating wallet, and from you.

The Darkweb sites then can’t link your funds to your primary wallet, neither to you in person.

Similarly, the law enforcement agencies too wouldn’t be able to link you to transaction.

It’s much better if you first create a separate, new Bitcoin wallet, transfer the required amounts of funds to this new wallet, and then send it to the > Bitcoin mixer > darkweb site.

Personal identity safety on the dark web

I’ve mentioned earlier that you should use a second identity on the dark web, right? But, how do you generate one believable ID which you can use on the dark web (without stealing information of breaking any laws).

Just go to this URL using your VPN and TOR browser – elfq2qefxx6dv3vy.onion

This will generate a complete profile for you. It will include gender, first/last name, mother’s name, father’s name, username and password combo which can be used for signing up, E-mail, phone number, license number, car, hair colour, blood type, political side, TIN, SSN, favorite colour, fantasies, passport number and basically everything else.

Every trait/characteristic that a human has which is personal to him is generated. You don’t have to do anything, simply visit the website. You can refresh the website to obtain another set of data.

It’s best if you mix data from various profiles to create the actual profile which you’ll be using. Note that this data is random. Meaning, it doesn’t belong to any individual on the planet. It’s generated using A.I.

We’re recommending this because then you’d not by mistake share any shred of data related to you in your real-life. This data can be used when signing up on darknet markets/ forums/ image boards and everything else.

Final Words:

So that’s a wrap as far as this guide on how to access the deep web is concerned folks.

The line between a deep web site, and a dark web site is very thin, so if you wish to only be on the deep web, great. Unfortunately, you don’t get to choose where the next link leads you on the deep web.

So let me just say that accessing the deep web is safe and legal, yet you should implement the security measures we’ve talked about.

Although we also did a complete, detailed guide on how to access the “Darknet markets” with all the security measures and precautions so you can check that out as well.


This article is completely and solely for “educational and research purposes only”. Any use of this article, and/or the deep/dark web, or anything else on your part both legal and illegal will be totally your own responsibility and we or our team will not be responsible for any of your actions.

Although hey, do like our Facebook page and let us know what you think of this article on how to access the deep web?