Best Uncensored Search Engines for Anonymous Searching

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Uncensored search engines are nothing more than search engines, which help you, browse the censored part of the Internet.

It might already be known to you, but just in case you’re a new player to these grounds, let us share some enlightenment, what we generally access the websites, social media, download portals etc are the uncensored part of the Internet.

They’re easily available on Google/Bing/Yahoo or any other search engine and can be accessed with any general browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer.

What are Uncensored Search Engines?

Exactly what the opening lines of this article stated them to be. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Deep Web, the actual mass of the Internet (because the Internet available to the general public is just around 1% of the actual Internet, the rest comprises of the Deep Web).

So, obviously the Deep web can’t be accessed simply by keying-in the search term on Google, nope that won’t help, simply because the content on the Deep web is censored, and Google doesn’t allow such content to be available to users.

So, that’s when you’d need an uncensored search engine. A search engine which does not censor its content and let’s you access absolutely everything is what we’re talking about here.

And it’s not only limited to the .onion websites, anything and everything which isn’t accessible by those traditional browsers can generally be accessed with an uncensored search engine!

Additionally, Uncensored Search Engines aren’t essentially “Deep Web Search Engines“, we’ve got another article on those. Rather, at times these search engines are simply Search Engines which respect user’s privacy, and do not trace/track them.

Precautions/ Preparation for using uncensored search engines

Before visiting any of the listed uncensored search engines, I’d like to share something with you that can help you protect your identity on the internet.

As you probably know already, this website is dedicated exclusively to the deep web, or the hidden internet.

Hence, I expect you to use the .onion versions of the search-engines listed below. The .onion URLs too have been mentioned along with the Clearnet URLs.

If you’re new to the whole Deep Web or the Dark Web side of the internet, I’d like you to read this detailed, step-by-step guide on How to access the deep web links.

If you’re already aware of what the deep/dark web is, here are some security tips for you. Just so you don’t land on something illegal, and when you do unconsciously, you don’t get in trouble.

Security tips before using these uncensored search engines:

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Note that we aren’t responsible for any search-results that pop up. They may or may not be legal.

Additionally, you also own 100% of the responsibility for all and any of your actions on any of these search engines, or on the links obtained from these search engines.

Best Uncensored Search Engines for Anonymous Searching

So, here’s a list of the top uncensored search engines which help you dig the hidden (censored) websites from the huge Internet graveyard.

Clearnet URL: Onion URL: http://duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad.onion/ .Onion Pages Index: Yes

This is the default search engine provided with the TOR browser. DuckDuckGo is also available on, and for the regular web, so you can use it both to access the deep web, as well as your regular websites.

They are primarily in demand for the fact that they are anonymous, and do not keep track of your activities, search history, interests, or anything else for that matter.

Also, they are one of very few uncensored search engines which actually show deep web marketplace URLs directly on the search page.

That’s exactly the kind of uncensored search engine you need while accessing the hidden/censored parts of the web, isn’t that so?

Not only that, but DuckDuckGo also doesn’t show any Ads like most traditional browsers, and even though it’s not a deal-maker, relief from those ads is surely something I personally look forward to.

The Interface resembles that of Google Chrome and has similar features and filters, but obviously, it’s much more liberal and un-conservative as compared to Chrome. Duck Duck Go 100% offers to take back privacy to users and user free to access or search anything on the internet without any privacy or anonymity problem.

  • Torch

Clearnet URL: Onion URL: http://torchqsxkllrj2eqaitp5xvcgfeg3g5dr3hr2wnuvnj76bbxkxfiwxqd.onion/ .Onion Pages Index: Yes

Torch is the combination of TOR + Search Engine. They have been around for a long-enough period of time, which also accounts for the fact that they claim to have over a million pages of “censored content”.

Personally, I’m not a TORCH fan for the reason that it’s spammed to death with ads, even their homepages both on the TOR network as well as the regular net are brimming with ads and most-annoying of all, these ads are hidden and get clicked unintentionally.

But taking them in the light of “Uncensored search engines” and with a pinch of salt surely does the job and gets you one of the best search engines to stroll around the censored alleys of the Internet.

And it does compensate for its losses by providing us with a Media Grabber (which let’s you download just about any kind of video or media directly in the browser), Torch Video, Torch Music, Torch Games etc which are nice little add-ons provided along with the browser.

  • Ahmia

Clearnet URL: Onion URL: http://juhanurmihxlp77nkq76byazcldy2hlmovfu2epvl5ankdibsot4csyd.onion/ .Onion Pages Index: Yes

It’s an uncensored search engine in the true sense, built specifically to help you find hidden TOR services (.onion URLs).

There’s a neatly placed search bar on the homepage, just key in your search term and it’ll get back to you with results.

It’s exclusively built for the TOR browser, so you won’t be able to land on the search results if you aren’t using TOR.

The only thing you won’t find on Ahmia from the deep web is child abuse material, it’s blacklisted (which is a good great feature!)

And the best part is that it doesn’t bombard you with ads either!

  • QUO

Onion URL: quosl6t6c64mnn7d.onion Onion pages indexed: Yes

It’s a new uncensored search engine I recently found out about. It does tick all the boxes that I look for in a dark web anonymous search engine.

For starters, it doesn’t keep logs, doesn’t use cookies or JavaScript, and doesn’t follow you around.

Its searching capabilities are impressive as well. It doesn’t display duplicate results so all the results are unique.

The interface is very professional and clean as well. A site title, mostly understandable descriptions, and also thumbnails for the sites are shown.

Some results even include “quick links”, using these you can reach various different sections of the site directly from the search engine.

There are no frustrating or spammy ads. Google-styled ads are supported but currently, none are shown.

The best part is, it automatically finds and deletes illegal porn links. It also supports Robots.txt files which is an advantage for .onion site developers.

Finally, it supports “site:” prefix which makes searching for specific content on specific sites extremely easy.

  • Onion Search Engine

Onion URL: search65pq2x5oh4o4qlxk2zvoa5zhbfi6mx4br4oc33rpxuayauwsqd.onion   Onion pages indexed: Yes

Onion Search Engine is both an anonymous search engine as well as an illegal search engine. That’s because, it’s one of the very rare search engines on the onion network which also indexes clearnet websites.

On the homepage, you simply have to select “Standard Network”. This puts the search engine into its clearnet mode, meaning, you’ll get clearnet domains for your keywords.

It’s obviously anonymous. In fact, it says it outright that it doesn’t store cookies, neither does it use JavaScript. It also has a “no trace” policy. Being on the onion network, it’s also uncensored.

As far as features go, it’s pretty advanced. You can search for images/videos, news, etc. Even the result page is impressive, it doesn’t show duplicate results and also is void of cluttered, confusing meta-descriptions.

Sponsored results (ads) do exist but you’ll generally find them at the lower end of the results and not the top! It also has its own Firefox add-on which you can use with Tor.

If you’re a mobile user, you can also get the search engine on your Android app (link available from the above official TOR URL).

You can also access it on the clearnet at although you must use TOR if you wish to use this domain anonymously.

  • NotEvil

Onion URL: ybzlxo7r5agiyfvugtsi4peepjzad57cqm57h65a6xzcwd6grfuhxvqd.onion   .Onion Pages Indexed: Yes

One of the simplest censored search engines (or deep web search engines) in other words in existence. The homepage reeks of simplicity as you might have already gathered from the screenshot above.

It boasts advanced features such as searching only for “titles” or complete “URLs”. Also, it publicly displays its index number of hidden URLs, which at the time of writing this piece is 24796867!

Another advanced feature includes the ability to chat to other users across the globe, on the search engine, without any kind of login or signup!

And obviously, it displays .onion results for searches. A completely deep web-rooted search engine!

  • StartPage

Clearnet URL: .Onion Pages Index: No

They market themselves as “World’s most private uncensored search engines”, although we can neither confirm nor deny these claims.

As far as the search engine goes, they do not list .onion URLs directly. Although they do have an inbuilt “proxy” mode, which works the same way as Chrome’s Incognito mode, in this case, they do not store any data (cookies, history, IP address, etc).

This proxy mode slows down your searches a bit, but it’s worth it if you’re a privacy geek.

Another factor worth singling out here is that they do show “Ads by Google” (Adsense), but it doesn’t mean Google has direct access to their back-end, user queries, or any other data.

  • Candle

Onion URL: http://gjobqjj7wyczbqie.onion .Onion Pages Index: Yes

The candle is basically the “Google” (Unofficial, in no way affiliated to actual Google except its functionality) for uncensored sites or pages which I’m stating based on its logo which is an exact Spinoff from Google. It indexes only .onion sites which makes it an uncensored search engine.

Its UI is almost alike Google except for the fact that it has a black background whereas Google has a white one, the results are displayed in a similar manner as on Google, with the URL as well as a description for the site.

However, it also adds additional information about the sites displayed such as the last uptime and downtime, exact to the hour and minute which is impressive. Also displays results in thousands which prove its indexation of quite a bit of the Darknet!

  • SwissCows

Clearnet URL: Onion Pages Indexed: No

SwissCows is based in Switzerland (obviously). Switzerland is already a financial and data heaven and needs no praise that’s for sure.

What makes this search engine stand out is its Semantic search results. Something that not a lot of other options on this list offer. It basically is the ability of a search engine to understand the “context” of a searched keyword. It results in faster, more accurate, and more precise results.

They’ve also made it family-safe, as in it’s completely void of Pornographic/Violent/ Sexual content. (Adult content, related to health and other similar topics is still available).

SwissCows doesn’t stores searched keywords, IP address, or any other details. Neither do they provide users or track any of their other activities. No Geo-targeting is done either (location monitoring). Obviously, there is no data to be sold or shared with third parties.

They’re subject exclusively to Swiss Laws which is a major setback for all major data-collecting governments, including the U.S.

  • Tordex

Onion URL: tordexkue7sggxtul2uqwewqiulmgra4ucnmvdfhhfhuzat4l3cofzyd.onion  Onion pages indexed: Yes

What makes Tordex an anonymous uncensored search engine? Well, it’s tagline. That’s exactly what it says. Moreover, it’s on the Tor network which automatically makes it an anonymous search engine.

It truly is uncensored because we tried searching for “Drugs“, and some other more extremely illegal terms, and it showed results for everything. The database is acceptable, it returned around 200 links for the keyword “drugs”.

It’s pretty well-established and displays tons of ads. The search interface resembles Google to some extent. It has the first few spots reserved for ads and they’ll pop up no matter what you search for. The result-display too is Google-like, the URLs are displayed in green, followed by a meta description for the sites.

On the right, it has a link directory that shows the best markets on the dark web, E-mail services which keep you anonymous, and the market prices for the best Cryptocurrencies.

Advertisers can place either banner ads or keyword-based ads. Claims getting 40,000,000 hits/month on average. Ad prices start at $100.00. Sites can also be manually added to the Tordex database, without any payment. An URL is all that’s required.

  • Mojeek

Clearnet URL: .onion pages indexed: No

Mojeek isn’t a dark web search engine, rather, it’s a search engine on the clearnet which simply isn’t censored.

Obviously, it doesn’t trace/track you. In fact, that’s the primary reason why it was built for. Right to privacy and “escaping big data” are mentioned as its most prominent USPs.

It’s a clearnet search engine and no .onion results are indexed. The interface resembles strongly to that of Google (blue/green UI). It even has knowledge panels (on the right) for popular terms.

It even has “News” and “Image” tabs for more specific information and content type. Does have advanced search features, you can include and exclude keywords from your search, choose crawl date, document size, and so on.

It’s Tor-friendly so you can access it (the clearnet URL) using TOR. The site doesn’t store what you search for.

  • Yacy

Clearnet URL:     Onion pages indexed: No

Yacy is different from all other uncensored search engines on this list. Instead of being a search engine itself, it lets you have your own decentralized search engine.

Users act as peers, much like with the Tor browser, and serve each others’ requests. There’s no central point of control or failure

There’s no one who can help a third-party backtrack all your searches. Similarly, no one’s monitoring you either.  You can even define your own web index.

It’s completely free as well. Although, you’d need to download and install Yacy to use it.

  • Metager

Clearnet URL:   Onion pages indexed: No

Onion Link: metagerv65pwclop2rsfzg4jwowpavpwd6grhhlvdgsswvo6ii4akgyd.onion

Metager’s tagline reads –“Privacy protected search and find”. It uses a proxy to hide your identity and prevents others from tracking your searches.

It shows search results from multiple search engines, somewhat acting like a middle-man.

It’s run by a Non-profit which explains why they’re free. Just like everything else that’s free, I sure was skeptical about Metager as well. However, it’s open-source making sure their code and claims can be verified by anyone independently.

It obviously displays ads, they need the money to keep it running. However, you can make a small donation if you’d like an ad-free experience.

It even has a Metager plugin that can be installed on your systems. There’s a mobile app as well.  Obviously, this is all optional. Metager can be used directly from the browser too.

  • Ecosia

Clearnet URL:                                          Onion pages indexed: No

Ecosia is unique in the sense that its prime focus is “planting trees”. You heard that right! On every search page, they display some ads which are natural. The income from these ads is used to plant trees. It’s extremely transparent, the no. of trees planted, total income, and other data is shared publicly.

The company doesn’t store any search history permanently. In fact, all searches are anonymized so they can’t be later linked to any specific device or individual.

No data is sold to third parties. It also has a “do not track” feature. This stops them from collecting whatever little data (non-identifiable) they do collect for improving their services.


Clearnet URL: Onion URL: Down .Onion Links: YES (Not Clearnet Links)

This is deep web links directory that holds mostly available active deep web or dark web links, also managed these links according to based on his category, only the user needs to select the required category and find his desired link then explore the onion site. I am writing this site in the hidden search engine list because offers bit amount of active tor links with full descriptions.

  • Uncensored Hidden Wiki

Clearnet URL: Onion URL: http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/ .Onion Pages Index: Yes

The Hidden Wiki is, in my personal opinion, literally the best answer to “uncensored search engine”, well I’m saying so because 90% of what appears on a Hidden Wiki search is censored, hidden content.

The links do not exactly lead to full-fledged websites, but to simple, not media but the content and text-rich single-pages.

You can literally find everything, from links to blogs and essays to drugs and weapon stores.

In fact, a major part of its existence is dedicated to helping you find hidden pages, e.g. you simply choose “Drugs” from the table of contents on the right side of the main page. And you’ll be taken to a section full of such links to Deep web markets and deep web forums.

  • WWW Virtual Library

Clearnet URL: .Onion Pages Index: No

The virtual library doesn’t need much of an introduction, apart from the fact that its creator is the same person who created the “INTERNET”!

So that’s all the testimonial, trust booster, and everything else right there. Apart from that, it’s literally one of the oldest existing uncensored search engines, probably older than some of you reading this article, it’ll turn 27 at the end of 2017!

Although, it differs slightly from the other search engines as it doesn’t grant you a direct pathway to the Deep web links or marketplaces, but it surely hosts a number of resources that aren’t available on the general search engines used by us.

And what makes it “uncensored” is the fact that it doesn’t have centralized ownership, instead is run and maintained by users like you and me.

  • Gibiru

Clearnet URL: .Onion Pages Index: No

Gibiru’s tagline itself says “ anonymous uncensored search engines ”. So what they’re basically offering is anonymity, which means they do not track your data and activities similar to DuckDuckGo.

Apart from its public disclaimer, it can also be paired up with a free plugin that helps increase your security and anonymity by letting you :

  • Delete the natural cookies on your computer.
  • Offers 25 free International proxies.
  • User-agent spoofing

Although, unlike DuckDuckGo, they do show ads which might be a bummer for some of you.

  • TOR Links

Onion URL: http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion/ .Onion Pages Index: Yes

It’s officially one of the best places to stumble upon in case you do not know your directions through the censored web (deep web).

It’s a links’ directory, and you’ll find links to nearly anything and everything which isn’t available on the clearnet.

You can either directly click on the tabs on the header to land on specific sections of the page, or you can scroll down till you find the section you’re looking for.

Basically, the header says it all, doesn’t matter if you’re looking for Gambling portals, adult websites, drug stores, or anything else, it’ll have the address, period.

  • SearX

Onion Link 5s4zu5bt7ndw7axniiz6ypvgxpy6bpsslyfr2uhmrnwbehisxcc3vvid.onion Onion Pages Index: No

SearX is a free, open-source darknet search engine that lets users search the clearnet with complete anonymity and privacy. It also has an “advanced mode” which can be used to specifically search for files, images, maps, social media, music, etc.

This Tor search engine can be used in over 20 different languages, including Chinese, Romanian, Portuguese, and many others. It’s probably the most customizable search engine out there, users can manually select the engines and databases to get results from, hash settings, plugins, and a lot more.

The displayed results can even be downloaded as CSV, JSON, or RSS. It obviously doesn’t store logs or cookies. The search interface is almost identical to Google. The website title is displayed in blue, with a grey meta-description and the URL in green.

  • Google.onion

Onion link: ggonionvhfq7brmj.onion Onion Pages Index: Yes

As the name hints, it’s a replica/clone of Google, on the Tor network. Do note that the resemblance is limited to the aesthetics. It isn’t in any way officially affiliated with the Google search engine or the company on the clearnet.

Also hinted by the name is its ability to search for onion URLs. The interface, as mentioned above, is a direct clone of Google and that does make it a bit easier to work with.

The database is pretty acceptable, it revealed 2456 results for our test search “Darknet Market”. Compared to some other anonymous search engines, that’s a much better number. Websites can manually be added to the database.

Final Words:

So those were the top uncensored search engines existing in the industry today, which also at times are used interchangeably as deep web search engines.

Obviously not all of these search engines index .onion links, but most do. And even those which do not, still get you the benefits of an uncensored browsing experience, e.g. they do not keep logs, and provide links to resources that otherwise might be hidden.

So that’s a wrap-up folks, do let me know your verdicts on this piece.